****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

To be honest, where else can game companies set a game that has not been done before? Perhaps very very futuristic but then it needs to be done right and still retain some elements of modern day life and settings.

As for the story, there always has to be a main protagonist with a Russian sounding name or the protagonist is someone from your side. I wish it was different but that's just how games are.

BF2142 did it extremely well taking the series into the future but retaining the premise of real bullets and not laser beams so I don't see why someone else doesn't go down that route for a change.
I love the WWII theme more than the MW theme and that is what made MoH [imo] better than CoD. It will be interesting to see how the MoH series does with the MW theme and if they can surpass CoD's MW games.

I want to go back to no ranking systems and back to WWII genre games and just have a good time online like in MoHAA: Spearhead, without worrying about K/D ratio's and ranks.

I really think MoH should always stick with the WWII theme.
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No, although all the singleplayer previews so far point to it being a cod rip, with dice on multiplayer my hopes are not overly high.

To be honest, who cares anymore, as long as it's a good solid game with a good multiplayer component thats all that matters. also whats wrong with dice?
Looks beautiful, and I don't care what era it's set in as long as it's a damn good game.

Might have to be using this as an excuse for upgrading my rig.
What problems do people have with DICE and the multiplayer? Will be a purchase for me.

the BC2 beta ran for what 6 weeks? and was very buggy, when the game was released a lot of the bugs were still present (fair enough if they didn't have time to get the fixes in for release).However now 2 months on from release and a lot of the bugs are still present along with new ones they have created, yes the game runs and can be enjoyed, but most of the bugs are stupid little things that should be easily fixed yet seem to be being ignored by dice.

And as for the punkbuster fiasco, don't get me started :mad:
MoH 2010 is directly supposed to be a CoD4 successor, NOT a MW2 rival, i.e. a grittier, more skill oriented game without ridiculous killstreaks with bright maps flashing in your face constantly.

I like ridiculous killstreaks with bright maps flashing in my face constantly. :(
Released end of October.

Game looks like it contains the best bits of COD and mixes them with the good bits of BF. Deffo have to try this bad boy out.
Punkbuster is complete and utter fail due to the fact you can bypass it.

you can? most pb servers will wont let you connect without it, those that will let you connect can be configured to boot you if a single md5 check doesnt pass and they can detect programs that alter memory.

most pb servers will kick you for running fraps because it does dodgy stuff in memory to do the onscreen overlay, you can even get pb servers to force a uniform config.
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