****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

Punkbuster is complete and utter fail due to the fact you can bypass it.

You can bypass almost anything, however you are taking the risk that the exploit you are using will be made redundant by a PB patch, at which point you will be perma-banned from whatever you are doing. So to call it complete and utter fail seems a bit...dramatic.
You can bypass almost anything, however you are taking the risk that the exploit you are using will be made redundant by a PB patch, at which point you will be perma-banned from whatever you are doing. So to call it complete and utter fail seems a bit...dramatic.

I didn't bypass it, but my mate did on his pc. He started hacking from being repeatedly killed by hackers in MW2, and moved his addiction to hacking over to BC2, it's like he's on crack.
I didn't bypass it, but my mate did on his pc. He started hacking from being repeatedly killed by hackers in MW2, and moved his addiction to hacking over to BC2, it's like he's on crack.

Lol, well surely he'll lose out big time when PB eliminate his exploit?
The last port from the PS3 to PC was Fifa 10 i think, that didn't turn out so well.

The consoles use a better engine than the PC for Fifa. Fifa 10 wouldn't have been ported from PS3 because atm the consoles are a generation ahead of the PC in terms of Fifa. EA seem to think pc's can't handle the new Fifa engine but that's obviously just an excuse for their ineptitude and lazyness.
^^yeah I actually bought a PS3 because I was really impressed with Fifa on there compared to what we get on the PC... well that and because I could pretend it was for the bluray player :)

Anyway as for MOH, hopefully they'll manage something better than Airborne which was pretty poor by WWII standards. Graphically it is fine, paradrops make respawning a bit more interesting and add variety, the weapon upgrades were good. But the game itself is very short, felt like the focused a bit too much on console related stuff like 'achievements' etc. The actual guts of the game isn't much.

No doubt I'll buy it in a sale or something but I certainly won't be rushing out to get it on release date unless they put a very convincing trailer/demo out.
CoD rip off?

Lol, MoH has been around a lot longer than CoD mateys.

Erm, that means precisely squat.

By your argument, if a toy company that was formed in 2000 releases a toy that is copied weeks later by a company that was formed in 1995, the former has copied the latter because the latter has been around for longer :confused:.
How on earth does the fact that MoH been around longer mean that it therefore a has a license to copy the most recent cods and not be a rip off?
I think maybe people have taken my comment the wrong way.

At the point of my reply I was under the impression that people had merely overlooked the fact that CoD barged into the WW2 scene while MoH AA was still king on the PC platform in terms of multiplayer, graphics and gameplay. I'm just saying that it's unfair to call this game a rip-off when it's possible the CoD franchise did it first.
Why is any game set in the present/near future automatically a cod ripoff? :confused:

I would have thought people would be hoping to embrace MoH considering Activision as screwed the Modern Warfare series over with the PC failure of MW2.
Why is any game set in the present/near future automatically a cod ripoff? :confused:

Bull****, its only partially to do with the settings, apparently pretty much the whole of the rest of the game is 'codesque' Frankly I dont want a game thats LIKE cod because I could just play cod. It's not bringing anything new to the table that we have seen so far.
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