****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

mw2 was slow sluggish

bfbc2 is ok but boring after few rounds. dominated gameplay is gustavs and noob medic guns

medal of honor new is faster gameplay and more on the move (more like cod 4 ) recoil is less so more will use guns like ak and so on instead of tubes.

black ops is based on waw not mw2 will be better than mw2

bf vietnam exp has four maps and is identical to bfbc2 so prolly not get this.

looking forward to getting medal of honor on launch and black ops as theyll be my main games for next year.
One of my clan mates has posted on our forums he has been playing it all morning. He does not use Steam and is not on MSN I need to know how the hell he has managed it!
the goon your clan going to be playing this ?
as I really want to join a clan a well knowing one like yours would be very good.

Yeah we defo going to be playing it mate, dont know for how long mind you. Depends on if there are any active leagues going. But yeah your welcome to trial with us...

We are 18+ tho, if your younger then give me a shout on steam: thegoon84.

I think the Goats (S18) are going to be playing as a main game?

One of my clan mates has posted on our forums he has been playing it all morning. He does not use Steam and is not on MSN I need to know how the hell he has managed it!

If your server up yet Pap?
BF:V is the one im looking forward to the most and it's the simplest one of all. The original was the dogs dangles. Chop lifting a tank to your friends for them to then wtf pwn everything around them was just immense.

As far as I'm aware there will be no airlifting in BFBC2 Vietnam, also no jets. So it'll be a bit dumbed down.
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