****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

Lol done, could you edit yours please :D
Done :)

I was really really hoping that this was going to come along and destroy Call of duty and actually make them innovate and really change COD, but no EA have ****** up royally with this and made one of the most anticipated titles of the year utterly crap.
Not impressed with it tbh. It does run better than BC2, getting around 100-130 fps with everything on full, HBAO off and 4xAA @ 1680x1050. Gameplay isn't anything special, I seem to get shot even when I'm around a corner? Odd
Done :)

I was really really hoping that this was going to come along and destroy Call of duty and actually make them innovate and really change COD, but no EA have ****** up royally with this and made one of the most anticipated titles of the year utterly crap.

Thanks m8, much appreciated :)

Lol yup same, they always mess something up, but it's EA afterall :p

Nothing ever goes right with them :p

EDIT: And including DICE :p
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It's a spawn killers wet dream.

And it's as clunky as every other DICE game.

Might pick it up for the SP if it's ever on Steam for a fiver.
Pretty meh on first impressions. Broken balance (sniper rifle is awesome in all situations), bad map design and fairly tedious gameplay. Not a purchase for me I suspect.
Why would you want kill cam, why would you want to have to plow a hole magazine into someone before they die and why would you want to know where EVERYONE is shooting you from ... that just takes away the whole essence of combat and war which this is supposed to simulate.
in real modern wars you think every gun and soldier is deadly accurate? because you couldnt be further from the truth its not as easy as point > shoot > dead soldier
Me pratting around earlier before i set my mouse up properly


For some reason it gave me the m24 straight away.:confused:
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