****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

I'm going to give it a go right now, I'll let you know what I think. :p

EDIT: The EA servers are down or somat, so I can't play. Perhaps it's for the best...
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I'm going to give it a go right now, I'll let you know what I think. :p

EDIT: The EA servers are down or somat, so I can't play. Perhaps it's for the best...
Be grateful that your are spared from this wreck of a game. In my eyes, this disaster has tarnished DICES reputation.
I'm going to give it a go right now, I'll let you know what I think. :p

EDIT: The EA servers are down or somat, so I can't play. Perhaps it's for the best...

Same thing here wasnt able to join any servers. Will give it a go tomorrow evening. Tbh I'm interested in the single player aswell!
still can't play not all day getting the servers arn't available msg ahhhhh anyone know how to fix this?

Did u try match making? I waiting for ages on the dedi servers & nothing happened. Try MM and got on first time. TBH you're not missing much.
for people having problem joining servers just pick natch like on bfbc2 and join a game youll be in in secs ;) didnt know till my mate told me been playing flawless since i found out.

i actually think game is and will be good. weapons are pretty easy to use so not so many noob guns like launchers and big medic guns. overall good game
everyone ive spoken to who has played the beta today has had the same reaction as me. "its ok".

Very dissapointing was hoping for some improvement since closed beta but nothing. Will save some cash not buying this.
Played for about an hour tonight and quite enjoyed it. Slightly more tactical than MW2(thankfully) but still suffers from the 'find spot to camp, shoot people, win!' problem that Any FPS seems almost impossible to stop but other than that it feels less 'arcadey' than MW2 but not quite as accurate and almost slow as BFBC2. Quite enjoyed it and had no problems at all getting on straight away. Graphics are pretty good and I had no slowdown with the rig in my sig. No way I could see to check ping but was lag and glitch free for me.
If its as good a or better than BC2 I might buy it.

Problem is tho, that the Vietnam expansion is coming out for BC2....

I wouldnt know which to play if I had, BC2 + vietnam and MOH on my computer... (god forbid if Black ops is any good I'd be really stumped!)

Loved COD4, hated MW2!

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If its as good a or better than BC2 I might buy it.

It is nowhere near as good.

The maps are shoddy and too small. All the action is bottlenecked. There is ZERO squad or tactical play. Loads of noob-tubers and camping snipers. The graphics are not as crisp. No recoil. Already been hacked. Feels like a old console game. The guns sound good though.
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