****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

This exactly


I'm getting rubbish fps even on low details and low res, pointless even playing it's so laggy :(

All in all a pretty huge dissapointment of a game...
Why would you want kill cam, why would you want to have to plow a hole magazine into someone before they die and why would you want to know where EVERYONE is shooting you from ... that just takes away the whole essence of combat and war which this is supposed to simulate.

Maybe you should wait for the next installment of COD, seems that'll have everything you require like it always seems to ... something a LOT of people are happy to move away from.


P.S. Not flaming you in anyway incase you think so ... ;)

Hey I hate cod as well! :) I just want there to be something that makes camping less attractive/effective. As for simulating war if it were a simulation then the guns wouldn't all shoot straight as a dime on full auto!
With every new FPS I am reminded at how close to perfection COD 4 was.

Dice games feel clunky and that is OK in a large scale game like BC2, but it just does not work with a close quarters game like MOH, the maps are far too small and sadly only the COD engine can get away with these size maps.
Seriously this is terrible, I run around the entire map and every one is just camping at every single corner with there tent up waiting for someone to come around the corner :rolleyes: :mad:

Only reason I am playing it is cause I am bored out of my mind at the minute :p
Why is it the FOV option works properly in this game as opposed to how it works in BC2? In this your gun actually moves further away, in BC2 it just seems to sort of zoom out your vision without shifting the weapon.
When oh when is there going to be another decent FPS for the PC??, and COD is console cack so doesn't count, starting to think it just wont happen anymore..
Well now I know what it feels like to be a fat person. Movement feels horrifically clunky. The bloom is way over-done too :/ Does feel like it has potential though, if this is actually a BETA and not just a fake sneaky demo, they should be fixing these issues. Beta does normally really mean demo though these days, so I won't get my hopes up.
what!!! I'm really enjoying it so are the guys in the clan!

I cant see it TBH

Maps way too small, same problems CTD and server connection wise that were there on BC2 release, and the same cheats working already :mad:

Spawn camping only going to get worse due to size of maps and respawn times.

Just think my money may be better spent on COD and the BC2 expansion
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