****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

Downloading the beta now as I need an alternative to BFBC2. Hoping this is good, I did enjoy MW2 and this looks similar.
Like when BC2 came out, everybody was like ZOMG how small are the maps compared to BF2? Well the MOH maps make the BC2 maps looks positively enormous!

(I do know they are not sequels before anyone says). ;)
I can't help but think that the two maps included in the open beta do not do the game as much justice as the previous beta.

The industrial city map (cant recall the maps name from CB) in death match mode was far superior to the new one and had much more variation and less choke points, this made the gameplay far better. I'm sure that MoH will sit comfortably amongst the plethora of PC shooters and offer a good mix of CoD and Battlefield type malarkay.

Anyone else having fun with the shotgun? I'd like it to have a bit more umph but theres nothing better than unloading it into the enemies face.. oo er !!
other wise we'll be left wide open for every tom dick or harry to pimp their server.

As opposed to sticking ocuk on yours to pimp it!

So other owners have to jump through hoops for you just because you have the OP and a sticky on a public forum in no way affiliated with your clan

Hmmmmmm :confused:
For me the map size is just too small, maybe if you like MW2 it's ok, but i prefer BC2 huge maps.... The game is just run and shoot, no tactics nothing. I don't think it's gonna rock as hard as BC2. But if you like this kinda shooters than yeah, it fun to play...
As opposed to sticking ocuk on yours to pimp it!

So other owners have to jump through hoops for you just because you have the OP and a sticky on a public forum in no way affiliated with your clan

Hmmmmmm :confused:

End of the day all our servers have references in the info page of the server saying: "Server provided for the TFU clan and the OCUK community"

Jump thro hoops.... i fail to see how that huge statement actually is in portion... Personally i would have thought it was fair to stick an OCUK name on the server so members here can find it?

Tell you what i'l message a DON and see what they want to do.
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simple, people post there servers we just do like bfbc2 put ocuk on end. no one is king just add the server names.

so all people have to do is search ocuk youll see all the servers who are on here.
Played for an hour and, well, its not great its not crap but, well i kinda camp a bit shoot 3 guys then get flank shot. then do the same, then do the same.

Every now and then ill shot a guy for 5 bullets then die to him....and shake my head thinking ???tf??

The mountains map is like something from the 1990s, with pretty graphics... hide behind rock and snipe till u get seen, and/or run like a dick forwards to cover and everyone respawn on you. repeat...
End of the day all our servers have references in the info page of the server saying: "Server provided for the TFU clan and the OCUK community"

Jump thro hoops.... i fail to see how that huge statement actually is in portion... Personally i would have thought it was fair to stick an OCUK name on the server so members here can find it?

Tell you what i'l message a DON and see what they want to do.

Oh noes a DON!
End of day there is officially nothing official about your use of ocuk on any of your servers

Most sensible thing to do would be to work together on 1 post or thread of people who have servers here and put them all in one place. That way this community can see all servers available to them. Ocuk in title or not

Or should the rest of us start an "Important: officially unofficial ocuk servers thread"?
And have them all scattered throughout the forum
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I hope they put this in BF3 mixed with BC2 and sprinkled BF2 on top = Instant winner:

Totally agree with this, fingers crossed :-)
Can a company please design a good FPS modern war game, which only has machine guns, pistols, shotguns, C4, mortar, pretty much everything apart from any kind of rocket launcher, grenade launcher, grenades, smoke grenades, flashbangs :p, oh and best of all no sniper rifles :D :p

Also can the maps be designed better, which will prevent noobs from just camping at the same spot all day waiting for someone to run around the corner, just to get cheap easy kills :p :mad:

Maybe a map which just has a few brick walls or one or two houses maybe :p, that way no one can camp :D, and if they do, there an easy target :D

TBH though apart from the noobs in this game, it is really bad, there is no recoil what so ever, even on an AK-47 :eek:

The game is just a noobs camp fest tbh with rockets etc. :mad:

Maybe I should just stick to the Quake type of games :p

Also came across the biggest kind of noobs last night (spawn noobs), on the snow map, got some defenders who were just camping behind us (the attacking team), just to get some easy and cheap kills as usual and **** everyone off :mad:

So BFBC2 is the worst for noobs of all kinds (rocket, grenades, spawn camping, objective noobs etc.), and this game might be second for the category "Game with the most noobs" :p


Rant over :D :p
Oh noes a DON!
End of day there is officially nothing official about your use of ocuk on any of your servers

Most sensible thing to do would be to work together on 1 post or thread of people who have servers here and put them all in one place. That way this community can see all servers available to them.

Or should the rest of us start an "Important: officially unofficial ocuk servers thread"?

Why make it sound like that? …. I’m just asking what a Don would prefer as I have no say on what’s acceptable or not.

Yeah that sounds great to work together, perhaps instead of just posting up every1 server, instead work on a number of post basis, i.e must have over 250 posts that shows the person is active in OCUK and will give preference to OCUK’ers? I think that would be a far more fair way?

What you think
I dont see why ppl complain about camping, just get ur 50 pts and get a uav, sorted, though when i played yesterday i had a uav up and there was a few guys ahead of me shooting down at the enemy and didnt even see the guy that was right beside them, but then the guy beside them wasnt shooting them ethier lucky i saw him on my uav and killed him.
Finding this game frustrating to begin with. After spawning it takes less than minute to get sniped. The maps work in favour of campers, which I don't like. I found I did best if I stayed in a single spot covering an area from range. Don't think I'll be buying this.
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