Can a company please design a good FPS modern war game, which only has machine guns, pistols, shotguns, C4, mortar, pretty much everything apart from any kind of rocket launcher, grenade launcher, grenades, smoke grenades, flashbangs

, oh and best of all no sniper rifles
Also can the maps be designed better, which will prevent noobs from just camping at the same spot all day waiting for someone to run around the corner, just to get cheap easy kills
Maybe a map which just has a few brick walls or one or two houses maybe

, that way no one can camp

, and if they do, there an easy target
TBH though apart from the noobs in this game, it is really bad, there is no recoil what so ever, even on an AK-47
The game is just a noobs camp fest tbh with rockets etc.
Maybe I should just stick to the Quake type of games
Also came across the biggest kind of noobs last night (spawn noobs), on the snow map, got some defenders who were just camping behind us (the attacking team), just to get some easy and cheap kills as usual and **** everyone off
So BFBC2 is the worst for noobs of all kinds (rocket, grenades, spawn camping, objective noobs etc.), and this game might be second for the category "Game with the most noobs"
Rant over