****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

After reading a lot of user views I was determined to give it a go and see for myself...........................................................It's plop, feels so much like a dirty port, controls are nasty, doesnt look nice, worse then bc2, sounds are quite good though, nice and meaty. Maps are tiny and built for consoles.

MOH airbourne was better then this lol.

Worries me that BF3 will just be another console port with a few pc features to make it look like they haven't forgotten the PC players.
Anyone getting Crash to desktop issue's? I can play a game for around 5-10minutes then bang crash to desktop every single time :S

I'm running windows 7 x64

I've tried setting DXversion in settings.ini from auto to 9 no luck , then tried 10 still not luck also tried setting HSAO=false still no luck... Crash to desktop every time

also tried running as admin , setting Compatibility to Windows Vista (Service Pack 2) and guess what?....

Still no luck :(

I got this last night. Thought it might have been a one off as I only played 1 game.
I played the closed beta, has much changed since then?

Also I think its ok, it is kinda like MW2 and BC2 had a baby...

I am excited for the single player tho, check out the sniper video on youtube, note decapitation and bullet drop, 2 things that are not in the beta.
You haven't done your research, BF:3 isn't going to be a console port.

Lets face it, we simply don't know that since there is zero information for it. Things have changed in the gaming industry since bf2 was released and the pc now seems to be the red headed stepchild when it comes to games being made specifically for it.
I think its more like a cod game than previous moh or bf games, the feedback when you shoot someone feels meatier, the character movement is more fluid and the explosion's and effects are more spectacular, which i think is a good thing.
some of the little issues that people are complaining about are simple fixes and easy to change before you even play a multi game field of view makes the game seem a lot better but i bet a lot havent even changed that.

camping people camp in all fps so its not new . all you have to do is rush them get round back if you do that you can slaughter them :D
ea and activision . bf and cod . they both do the same thing and have. you aint going to get a old school pc shooter so why do people keep moaning about it.

bf3 will be bfbc2 with a few tweaks thats it . just like cod will be a bit different few added bits from last cod. you know this i know this .
medal of honor is a lite version of bfbc2 more close combat . you dont have to run 2 miles to get shot by a sniper whos been there a hr.

so in short if you want a squad tactics with hopefully a team that co-ops with your plan get bfbc2
if you want a quick fast run and gun easy to learn game get cod 4
if you want a game in between get medal of honour.

if you bored of the above just get whatever as you only have this and black ops fps wise till this time next year anyway.
all you have to do is rush them get round back if you do that you can slaughter them :D

I agree totally. Played some games last night where one team was rushing and just massacring the opposite team.

This game has the potential to be good, just not on public servers. Get 24 decent players together and it could, just could, be very good. :)
Lets face it, we simply don't know that since there is zero information for it. Things have changed in the gaming industry since bf2 was released and the pc now seems to be the red headed stepchild when it comes to games being made specifically for it.

We know that BF:BC1 was developed for console first off, BF:2 wasn't which would lead to the reason BF:3 wouldn't be developed for console in mind otherwise the PC wouldn't get bigger maps and Directx 9 most likely wouldn't of been ditched, i reckon they're producing seperate games and i expect DICE to have learnt their lesson now and not repeat an Activision moment.
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I found the game pretty good, Only thing i dislike about moh is that the movement/aiming seems sluggish just like bad company 2. So far i like the game more than bc2 but thats just because i prefer close quarter combat rather than getting shot down by a tank etc :p
what I hate in games I just join is ranks on one side are so stacked up against the other side , giving a nobs, beginners versus Pros experts, does this game balance out the ranks to either side for decent play?
had a go yesterday, seems alright I guess. nice beefy sounds and it's quite immersive, just felt 'clunky' to me - and I do think the maps are a bit linear in terms of how far up a hill you can walk before being slapped by an invisible wall.
That's because it's not a Battlefield game, it shouldn't be anywhere near BF:BC2 or any other Battlefield game. DICE seem to be testing a lot of things within BF:BC2 and MoH, and i reckon it's for BF:3.

That is very far fetched and I really don't believe there would be a single ounce of truth in that.

I still think that you can't get a better game that required as much teamwork as MOHAA, not since then have I enjoyed a game quite so much. Take the V2 level, you would always be fighting in teams to get through doors etc, it was great fun. Freezetag was another fantastic addition to that game that encouraged teamwork even more. It still remains to be bettered in my opinion. You didn't get grenade launchers, grenade spam etc back in those days!
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I'm really supprise at the comments.

I think the game is great... altho i dont look how pretty and full of content it is, i just look at how good the reg and the feel of the gun is.... and to me its an absolute winner!

I hope they put this in BF3 mixed with BC2 and sprinkled BF2 on top = Instant winner:


Remember to post up in this thread and the OCUK GAME SERVER LIST your servers and clan details. It has to have a referrence to OCUK on there so members can search and find it, other wise we'll be left wide open for every tom dick or harry to pimp their server.
I enjoyed the beta, I am keeping my pre-purchase.

Unfortunately for me my clan is going down the COD BO route - so i will be interested to see some server and clan details being posted
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