****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

It is nowhere near as good.

The maps are shoddy and too small. All the action is bottlenecked. There is ZERO squad or tactical play. Loads of noob-tubers and camping snipers. The graphics are not as crisp. No recoil. Already been hacked. Feels like a old console game. The guns sound good though.

Well I wouldnt mind if it blowed to be honest.

Like I said, If its good, I will have an interesting dillema.....

Play BC2, MOH, Vietnam or Black ops..... cant have them all!

Historically I do skip Treyarch COd's.

A long time after launch I bought WAW, only to return it. Crap, compared to COD4.

Black ops, just looks like a hybrid WAW/MW2.... I suspect it will be crap.

Im not sure what to make of MOH. Some videos it looks good, and other, yea, I got the impression of just a MW2 ripoff, arcady crap.

I like more tactical gamplay that at least encourages team play.

Well, I guess Il have to wait and see. Vietnam is prob going be a must buy tho... BC2 just new maps etc... cant go wrong!
It's like they went "let's just re-release the same game under a new name and do what people have done for years, mod it quickly but sell it under a whole different franchise."

Has anyone even played both(BC2) and noticed things they have reused?
It's annoying, won't be buying this at all, not worth the price.
I have noticed, some of the voices sound similar, and the rpg is identical!

However, if it is just BC2 with a different skin, thats not all bad.....

It would be like an expanision...
How is a the 40mm in BC2 overpowered? it was at release but now you have to hit someone square on to kill them with it, CG is just a bad weapon and shouldnt be in the game. As for MOH dont like it prefer bc2.

40MM GL + Explosive MK 2 + Extra 40MM Grenade ammo and you can just wander around pwning people with it. I got to platinum in 2 days on this weapon, totally ridiculous. Sure close range you may need to fire into people but generally fire at the feet and people die easy enough with the above perks on.

RE: This game. I found it not as good as BC2. You die wayyy too fast, sure bullets would realistically kill you in seconds, but in this game it feels like hardcore BC2 style which I never got on with.

Kept trying to 'q' spot people as well, didn't work obviously :P - not a game problem though this one is all me!

I'll give it a bit more of a playthrough later on today, but as things stand i'll probably wait for BC2 expansion instead of spending money on this.
Anyone getting Crash to desktop issue's? I can play a game for around 5-10minutes then bang crash to desktop every single time :S

I'm running windows 7 x64

I've tried setting DXversion in settings.ini from auto to 9 no luck , then tried 10 still not luck also tried setting HSAO=false still no luck... Crash to desktop every time

also tried running as admin , setting Compatibility to Windows Vista (Service Pack 2) and guess what?....

Still no luck :(
This just makes me wonder all the more how BF3 is going to turn out given the same dev teams in both cases...Its blatently obvious by now that the vast majority that done bf1942 and bf2 aren't with Dice anymore.

Needless to say my preorder for moh is now cancelled.
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They didnt really do a u turn on the taleban they just renamed them something else opforce i think it is (oposing force)

and as far as i know its only for multiplyer.

non news imo.
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And Dice made this??? Nowhere near BC2.

That's because it's not a Battlefield game, it shouldn't be anywhere near BF:BC2 or any other Battlefield game. DICE seem to be testing a lot of things within BF:BC2 and MoH, and i reckon it's for BF:3.
That's because it's not a Battlefield game, it shouldn't be anywhere near BF:BC2 or any other Battlefield game. DICE seem to be testing a lot of things within BF:BC2 and MoH, and i reckon it's for BF:3.

Well lets hope that what they have done with MoH and BFBC2 is what they intend to leave out.
so your saying 99% of soldiers in the real world just arent accurate because they cant kill with a few bullets?

Stance, grip, sight picture, trigger control...those are the basics of shooting. If followed correctly you will be as accurate as the player depicted in this game.
In the real world soldiers miss most of the time because
a) they are under stress
b) they aren't accurate enough
c) don't aim precisely (ie suppressive fire)
d) a combinaiton of the above

The only thing you can control in games is the sight picture, everything else is controlled by the game.
As a result of this soldiers are always crap shooters or expert marksman (depending on the game, BF2 for the former, MOH for the latter), regardless of the situation they are in.
downloaded this last night

its nothing amazing really, as people said just a MW version of BC2
maps are too small and linear so just ends up as campfest
not going to buy on release, ill wait for a steam sale till its under a tenner!

stop making all this crap and do a proper BF3 Dice!
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