****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

Hmm woke up to a nice email saying my Pre-order was being processed, then another 10mins later saying it got canceled. I dunno if its a sign or not! I just wanted a change from playing an old classic (SoF2 :D), I did enjoy the beta even though it was a bit of a spray n pray fest with certain people. Do people download their games off Steam nowadays? I might have to give it a go if im still tempted.

I bought mine from EA Store a long time ago with a discount code for £22 which was subsequently upgraded to the recently released 'limited edition'.

D2D, EA Store or Steam all offer the same service so just see what provider has the best price and offer, and yes digital is a preferred choice for many nowadays.
Add cant shoot through walls/crates to the list

This game is missing so much that has become standard in the last few years
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If the gun mechanics were a little more challenging, e.g. recoil, barrel sway etc were a little more full on then an element of skill and control would be apparent.

As it is I feel its just point and shoot.

I wasn't the biggest fan of COD MW2 but MW1 was ok.

Point and shoot requires skill, too. Just a different type of skill. And only one.
The difference between this type of game and a game like battlefield is that you find out much sooner in this game if you can compete with the best on an individual basis.

Its not out yet altho most of EU are playing it now.

We will be changing the game modes about depending on what people want. We'll keeping the servers NORMAL and not have core as its alreayd stupidly easy to kill people.

Look forward to fragging you all.

Any1 else want their servers put up on front page?
Its not out yet altho most of EU are playing it now.

We will be changing the game modes about depending on what people want. We'll keeping the servers NORMAL and not have core as its alreayd stupidly easy to kill people.

Look forward to fragging you all.

Any1 else want their servers put up on front page?

Yes mate, this one. Thanks.

Ours should be up today will pass on the info when ready

Reading around the single player does indeed have prone and lean
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lol at some reviewers im shaw they just grab someone off the street and say heres a pizza for free review this :D

oh its a cut down bfbc2 well done clever boy :p have they thought that not all might not like bfbc2 or the constant two mile runs :) its close action more like cod and they crying . back handers for the win :D

one guy in a review i read earlier was saying how the hit boxes were off :confused: some of best reg in any game ive ever played lol

its not for everyone but all the haters are gunna cry cause its not mw or not bfbc2 . also putting game down cause it features headshots realistic and gore lol.

think we should all play scrabble and eat lettuce and cucumber sandwiches all day and drink our own urine :D
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think we should all play scrabble and eat lettuce and cucumber sandwiches all day and drink our own urine :D

I think many of your points are lost in that shocking mess of a post. Did you hit your head really hard just before your typed it? :confused:
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