****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

Heh, it's funny that people said they're going to try to reach the top 10 in MoH like it's a completely flawless game full of zilch hackers...

'I'm going to get into the top 10!'

'Nah you're not, the hackers will.'

The hackers laid into the Open Beta, testing aim bots and the teleport hack from BF:BC2.

lool, i don't remember seeing hackers in BF2 though, i remember bunny hoppers thats about it, but blasting them with a tank or directing a mortar strike normally sorts that out. the only thing i hated was spawn campers that blew up jets/ tanks. the funny thing i used to do is fly a helicopter full of frienzies and eject out, none of the other players had time to think why they would be flying in a circle straight up .
bought this today, installed it and it keeps crashing the pc when i try and play
q6600/ 4gb ram/ 4850 graphics/p5q pro mobo

any ideas what to do next?

Only thing you can do is get your end of the bargin in order.

Defrag hdd, use latest drivers, install all windows updates, make sure you dont have any process running in the background that might be causing an issues..

Also when I game I disable my antivirus, but leave my firewall running, you can try that....

If its the only game that ctd then its the game not your system.

Are your overclocks stable?
After weeks of saying i'm not going to buy it on release day I caved and bought it on release day, just picked it up from Tesco

Hope its worth £29.70 but somehow unless the MP is as good as BC2 I very much doubt it

BC2 still CTD's for me between maps, infuriating!
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Took me two hours to install it after downloading both MP and SP from steam...and guess why. Yes, you guessed correctly...punkbuster :(

everbalance = epic fail.
Took me two hours to install it after downloading both MP and SP from steam...and guess why. Yes, you guessed correctly...punkbuster :(

everbalance = epic fail.

lol you can probably complete single player in less time that it took to install (im not joking)

does anyone remember those old budget pc games? they would be released costing around £10-£15 in shops , thats what this game feels like theres no way you can justify spending over a tenner on this...

seriously single player so short and every mission feels almost exactly the same because its the same scenery and textures everywhere , bfbc2 single player is atleast 10x better than MOH i dont understand how they can release this turd they should have had someone just make a single player total conversion mod for bfbc2 and call it BF:MOH.

the sound effects are pretty good and i love the tracer effect but other than that....
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im quite happy i didn't waste my money on this pile of poo, epic fail of the year, such an anticlimax thinking it would be one of the best games of the year, ressurecting an old title to current war events, instead releasing a 4hr SP Game, and a MP which is a BC2 look a like, id rather they release a game that has the full potential
Did anyone order this from the EA Store, cancel their order, and still have the game avaliable to download from EA Download Manager?

From checking all of my PayPal/EA Logs I've received a refund for the game, but I can still download it and have a CD key. Shame the general consensus is that it's pretty poor.
im quite happy i didn't waste my money on this pile of poo, epic fail of the year, such an anticlimax thinking it would be one of the best games of the year, ressurecting an old title to current war events, instead releasing a 4hr SP Game, and a MP which is a BC2 look a like, id rather they release a game that has the full potential

Have you played it?
BC2 is not a hack fest on properly admined servers, you get the odd one yes but to discount a whole MP game for a few idiots is mad.

Good servers are either always full or so clicky that anyone under a certain rank is looked on as just as bad as a cheater. So you have to put up with the aimbotting, teleporting uber l33t cheats on the 'lesser' servers.

So no it isn't mad at all and for your info its far more than a 'few idiots' if you look at PBBans lists.
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