Heh, it's funny that people said they're going to try to reach the top 10 in MoH like it's a completely flawless game full of zilch hackers...
'I'm going to get into the top 10!'
'Nah you're not, the hackers will.'
The hackers laid into the Open Beta, testing aim bots and the teleport hack from BF:BC2.
lool, i don't remember seeing hackers in BF2 though, i remember bunny hoppers thats about it, but blasting them with a tank or directing a mortar strike normally sorts that out. the only thing i hated was spawn campers that blew up jets/ tanks. the funny thing i used to do is fly a helicopter full of frienzies and eject out, none of the other players had time to think why they would be flying in a circle straight up .