****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

I pre-ordered from EA and got my key immediately.

Beta will apparently start sometime between 10am-12pm PDT which is 6-8pm for us.

Quite looking forward to this but still trying to keep my expectations low. Am hoping for the rush of MW2 but with more skill and tactics required ala BFBC2.
I pre-ordered from EA and got my key immediately.

Beta will apparently start sometime between 10am-12pm PDT which is 6-8pm for us.

Quite looking forward to this but still trying to keep my expectations low. Am hoping for the rush of MW2 but with more skill and tactics required ala BFBC2.

Thanks for the info.
Did you have to pay upfront?
I originally pre-ordered from Amazon, but they are not sending out beta keys until the 4th July so I cancelled and ordered with the EA store and got a key straight away. I'll probably end up cancelling that one as well though as I like to have hard copies of games and the download is strangely more expensive.
Nope, I don't think anyone will be able to download it until the beta site goes live which should be between 6-8pm (according to a post by an EA guy on their forums).
I never pre-order games (only one was global agenda) but have pre-ordered this because it looks class! If it's anything like the old MOH games it'll be epic. I'm not too bothered about the MP (says me now, before I play it) so the SP is what I want more. But it won't hurt getting a go on the beta :)
GMT: 17:00
GMT+1: 18:00
PST: 10:00
EST: 13:00
CEST(central european summer time): 19:00

Took from thier forum * maybe when the redmeption portal becomes active?
Just cancelled my pre-order as Amazon won't be giving the beta code out until next month.

Where can i pre-order from that will give a code out now ?
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