What's the server browser like?
How long is the single player? I heard it is 4 hours is this true?
How does MP stand against COD and BC2?
Not sure if it's referred to in the preceding 40 pages but I can't even get it to install, getting the dfa.dll message.
I've tried the advice on other sites - disable AVG, no good.
Copy files to HD and install from there - no good as it gets to DFA.dll and won't copy the file as it's read only.
Only other option is to try safe mode and see if that allows me to install.
Pile of poo - looks that way ATM.
Goon, Is your CM server running the 3 CM maps in rotation?
Do you run 2 rounds each map on your TA server?
Minimap on or off (bar UAV)?
Have you got a physical copy?
Yes bought a copy in the purple High Street store at lunchtime.
Anyone know how to disable shadows? I really really really would love to be able to do this
There's a comment posted from Admin in this thread about using your CD key to d/l the game from EADM apparently it might help with the .dll error:
I have spotted a bug. you can see players through dip downs on a map sometimes before there body actually appear visible?
Do you mean the glitch similar to BF:BC2? Where you crouch and stand at certain parts of a building and you can see through the walls and ceiling and your bullets can actually hit the opposition but they can't see you?