****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

Well just had a little play with this on-line and thoroughly enjoyed it! Fast and furious I must have died at least 5 times in the first minute in my first game:o

Getting old, so my reactions are a tad slow.....:)

Have not played the single player yet so cannot comment.

loving the multi no problems upto yet server is chocka all good .will be good tonight load of beer and some pownage :D

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Saw a friend playing it in UNI today on his laptop. While the multiplayer looks 'ok', it is not anything you can't achieve on a BC2 server with infantry only rules. I really hate the lack of recoil and bullet spread, but the sound and graphics seemed solid. I think that the pace of the game is just too fast, means there is little suspence and anticipation in a gunfight, its just hold down fire or die in a hail of bullets.
Left my PC on at home downloading this off Steam all day. Leave work in 22 minutes. Quick stop off at the booze shop on the way home then hopefully a long old MOH session coming up.

If the download has failed for some reason, I shall be a tad annoyed!
Is this worth buying for the SP only or is it really as short a campaign as some folk are saying?. I don't really play online so MP isn't a concern.
Is this worth buying for the SP only or is it really as short a campaign as some folk are saying?. I don't really play online so MP isn't a concern.

took me about 3 hours and we arent lieing, go look at some reviews most say the sp is 4-5 hours.

the sp is short , the story is pretty weak , the levels are very boring because they all look the same , half of the game is spent in the mountains of afghanistan/pakistan or wherever they are suposed to be so theres not much scenery.

i would seriously not buy it just for SP , its not like BF:bc2 which actually had a good SP experience (i thought it did anyway)

MOH just feels old and out of place theres no physics or anything apart from one area with a few crates they move unrealisticly when you shoot them so you cant interact with anything in the game world like were used to in modern games.

it just feels like a game from around 2000 but with farily modern textures applied, everything about the SP experience just feels very low budget and amateur i dont understand how they got it so badly, no wonder they had dice do the multiplayer i expect the company doing SP were nowhere close to meeting any deadlines because the game doesnt feel finished at all theres no polish
I really enjoyed the MP beta, if the SP is only going to take me 3-4 hours thats fine it'll just give me a chance to get to grips with the different weapons before ploughing straight in to MP.
I really enjoyed the MP beta, if the SP is only going to take me 3-4 hours thats fine it'll just give me a chance to get to grips with the different weapons before ploughing straight in to MP.

but it wont because its 2 different games made by 2 different companies using 2 different engines lol....

seriously as i said before i believe DICE was brough in for the MP because the other company wasnt meeting deadlines etc it wouldnt surprise me if the game was suposed to be much longer but EA decided they had enough time already and released anyway.

i doubt you will find one person who believes single player was suposed to be as basic and unpolished or as short as it is
Just been playing MP and well what can I say, awful in every way lol.

Can you return games to Steam?

Not after they have been unlocked... and the game isnt crap, the multiplayer is more tactical and team oriantated if you haven't got that your going to struggle.
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