****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

We have two servers, one hard core and one soft core. We prefer hard core.

Well, It was one of the most enjoyable evenings we've had gaming in a few years.

Game play was great - we got rid of the assault mode - the other modes worked very well.

Six hours solid, vent, beer and MOH.

The maps are tight and compact, lots of good team work, and team work does work very well. MOH is good to go for competitive games.

I do hope dice have some more maps, at least a good five or six more to keep this excellent shooter alive. If they do, and patch up what needs patching, they have a little gem here.
here is my honest review nearly full day of multiplayer

one of best ive played in years .

wont be playing cod 4 no more
bfbc2 is boring full of tube nabs and gustav noobs

thing what is annoying is how many are crying cause they have to aim a little cause there used to getting cod kills and move in s strat way so they dont get killed.

theyve played for few hrs and are crying cause theyve been owned. you need to learn the layout . how many hrs have you put in cod 4 , bfbc2 , counterstrike or whatever ?

the games got good potential if people give it a chance :)

unlock a few guns learn the maps play the game not like a donut. youll start to see what a great mp game this can be.
Pre-ordered the limited edition, where's the guns and the camo gear?
I aint got any.

Should tell you when you first log in what you've got, then its selectable in your load-out, some peps on the official forums complaining of the same thing, paid for it but never received it in-game.
Should tell you when you first log in what you've got, then its selectable in your load-out, some peps on the official forums complaining of the same thing, paid for it but never received it in-game.
Nothing in the load out, what's the point in pre-ordering to get the extras for them not to give you it? Plus I also got the ltd edition for the BF3 beta key
Wow, pretty dreadful game all around, the single player looks pretty dreadful in places, and is ludicrously short, and where do I begin with the multiplayer? The weapon damage is just crazy, basically 2 bullets and your dead, and they have fixed the hit reg, so the guns pack the same sort of punch as they do in Arma, with zero recoil, and you then have 24 people crammed into insanely small places. So what your left with is a supremely disorganized mess where the only way to stay alive is to camp, because any attempt at rushing just leads to a swift death as you run around the corner and are dead before you can even react. Plus the maps are so small, so cramped and so channeled, it gets to the point where there are 6+ people looking at one choke point waiting for someone to stick their head out
Another game where snipers rule the maps, its seems worse than BFBC2, dont know if its lag but i get some realy dodgy deaths.
Stuck near the beginning where you go up the stairs in the tower and have trucks coming towards you and are supposed to take them out with hellfire's only when I tell it to fire nothing happens and end up getting mission failed.

I also had this, pretty sure its a bug. Restarting didn't fix it for me. I noticed that the targetting fails once the trucks/tanks get close (off the hill). So you can get past it provided you take them all out whilst they are still on the hill with the hell fire and later the 24 pounder. Hope this helps :)
..multiplayer is a case of spawn and die. Camping and invisible snipers rule.

..single player i'm stuck on the 1st level because there is a bug where i cannot fire the hellfire missiles at the trucks. Until a patch arrives i can go no further.
..multiplayer is a case of spawn and die. Camping and invisible snipers rule.

..single player i'm stuck on the 1st level because there is a bug where i cannot fire the hellfire missiles at the trucks. Until a patch arrives i can go no further.

MP: Sure snipers can be a pain but it is a case of just being careful how much you expose yourself and using smoke to mask while moving across them. Team work helps as only Riflemen has smoke, something that is unfortunately dieing in most MP games. Just keep at it, I found the MP very rewarding and fun compared to something like MW2.

SP: I never had that the bug, so maybe it is difficulty dependant. I assume you've tried reloading the mission?
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I think it may be a bit too early to judge the game properly, you have to wait until people get to know the maps before you can judge, then all the weak maps will be exposed, along with the gameplay. It needs to bed in before it can be judged, I think snipers may end up dominating, but for now, its a good game!
Multiplayer : Started to enjoy it by the time the laser dot site was unlocked, it can be fun but it can be very frustrating, it feels like people have instant aim and kill you in two bullets and it takes me a full clip to kill someone, maybe its just practice. Booting the game up and getting into a game through the menu is great and feels very solid.

However the black screen flicker is absolutely killing it, its driving me mental, I get it on BC2 but its nothing like this its so much worse on MOH, I cant beleive they have released two games with this problem.

Single Player : Theres just no excuse for this absolute rubbish, if I wanted to play a console game i'd buy a console for £150 I spend a fortune on my PC, its terrible, the graphics are an absolute disgrace, the only physics are on the charecters and barrels, everything else is fixed, the AI is predictable and boring, i've had more exciting moments in bejeweled

I'm also stuck on the bit with the tanks and vehicles, its infuriating, do they even play test these things!? The laser aim fails to work at certain points making it impossible

Very very dissapointed with the single player, worse game i've played for quite some time
Anyone remember MW2 where you were on the snowmobile, tearing down the hill and you just thought "wow, this is amazing, exhilarating etc etc"

Well MoH is dull.
Anyone remember MW2 where you were on the snowmobile, tearing down the hill and you just thought "wow, this is amazing, exhilarating etc etc"

Well MoH is dull.

Yeah, thats an exciting moment, MOH doesnt have this, its a money spinner its a sub standard game put together to make some money, no thought has gone into the SP what so ever
I also had this, pretty sure its a bug. Restarting didn't fix it for me. I noticed that the targetting fails once the trucks/tanks get close (off the hill). So you can get past it provided you take them all out whilst they are still on the hill with the hell fire and later the 24 pounder. Hope this helps :)
restarting the mission worked for me that was the only bug ive found in single player as for mutiplayer random CTD's even the beta didn't do that
snow mountain map is so funny on the tfu servers. enemy teams just sit and snipe in the spawn on the first section and make no effort to attack the objective. Then they all moan that its impossible to get out and stay there for the round and lose.

When its our turn to attack the simplest of tactics and we are all out and capping the objective in seconds. Every one steams down the hill pops smoke and vere right thru the smoke. Drop down the cliff and booom ya behind the enemy who are all looking thru scopes at ya spawn area :D kill em off and cap the chopper :D
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