****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

smoke is the tactic on this game in a lot of situations and not a lot or enough use it

Smoke and speed and the team needs to split up, attacking all of the critical points at once. Some might not make it but others will, thus moving the battefield and put some stress on the enemy.
And skill matters too, of course - if the teams are too different skill-wise tactics don't matter much.

I'm also stuck on the bit with the tanks and vehicles, its infuriating, do they even play test these things!? The laser aim fails to work at certain points making it impossible

You can move the mouse to the far right where it begins to bounce back. You will see the laser then and can drop one of the heavy bombs (that you can guide from above, GBU-24 I think) and guide it into the vehicles coming from the top right corner.
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SP reminded me of Tekkan 4 time trial mode. You were stuck in a trench making your way through endless bad guys untill you were killed. Uninstalled after a couple of hours.
Well im still glad i didnt get it, Mixed reviews around forums, but more bad than good,

If you die in 2 seconds with 2 shots now just wait till people start to unlock the bigger guns it will only get worse. In a few days time people will start to show the maps for what they are and the chokepoints and exploits will grow

Lots of people saying team work is essential yet there is no mechanism for this ingame, no squads, no spotting, poor built in comms (not everyone uses vent,TS)and its hard to see whos who on the map, or in HUD

Server numbers looking poor all round too, BC2 servers were full 24/7 in the days/weeks after release and EA struggled to cope, no such problems here, many server empty from the early hours onwards

Only save i can see is 5v5, mibbe 8v8 max so that players are proportional to map sizes

Either way long term I think this will be remembered as a poor game overall
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Thought this game was so rubbish in the multiplay beta canceled my order, and after seeing my m8 play hos I'm glad I did waste of money rubbish game, poor SP and tiny MP maps that have no fun, and useless for teamwork..pity
Multiplayer : Started to enjoy it by the time the laser dot site was unlocked, it can be fun but it can be very frustrating, it feels like people have instant aim and kill you in two bullets and it takes me a full clip to kill someone, maybe its just practice. Booting the game up and getting into a game through the menu is great and feels very solid.

However the black screen flicker is absolutely killing it, its driving me mental, I get it on BC2 but its nothing like this its so much worse on MOH, I cant beleive they have released two games with this problem.

Single Player : Theres just no excuse for this absolute rubbish, if I wanted to play a console game i'd buy a console for £150 I spend a fortune on my PC, its terrible, the graphics are an absolute disgrace, the only physics are on the charecters and barrels, everything else is fixed, the AI is predictable and boring, i've had more exciting moments in bejeweled

I'm also stuck on the bit with the tanks and vehicles, its infuriating, do they even play test these things!? The laser aim fails to work at certain points making it impossible

Very very dissapointed with the single player, worse game i've played for quite some time

I pretty much agree with this. My biggest annoyance and the moment is like you said, it feels like everyone has instant aim. Also that uzi seems to be incredibly good at range, like a rapid fire rifle.
snow mountain map is so funny on the tfu servers. enemy teams just sit and snipe in the spawn on the first section and make no effort to attack the objective. Then they all moan that its impossible to get out and stay there for the round and lose.

When its our turn to attack the simplest of tactics and we are all out and capping the objective in seconds. Every one steams down the hill pops smoke and vere right thru the smoke. Drop down the cliff and booom ya behind the enemy who are all looking thru scopes at ya spawn area :D kill em off and cap the chopper :D

I've been on the other end of this. Stacked teams suck. Not a fan of that map.
Has any one got transparent weapons? my weapons look like it has the predator's cloaking shield on!!! Annoying.... trying to workout what is wrong.

Running GTX285, 1920 x 1200 with vsync on. Puzzled...?
Too many hackers already like DCFC.R4M, nothing personal Lander but how the **** are you managing shots which are impossible ?

Ive seen people spawn behind me where its impossible to spawn, I have seen people run straight through 8 of us and not even fire, just run at you and you die from a gun that doesnt exist, and i have seen a lot of one shot kills from silly ranges with a pistol... if i cannot see you with an m24 with scope how can you see me and kill me with 100% health with one shot from a pistol ?
THE SP sniper bit was hard, kept not being able to find the targets, i would shoot three he would say theres a guy left but couldnt find him.

Was only at the end i realised i can switch to two thermal modes, which help massivly :D
Right this may sound like a retarded question but how the **** do you get on multiplayer?
On the menu I only see 'Tier 1 mode' and no multiplayer option anywhere at all
You need to quit out of the single player game to desktop and click on the multiplayer icon or click on the multiplayer link in steam - as both the single player and multiplayer use different software engines to run the game, you can't swap between them in game.
Wow, pretty dreadful game all around, the single player looks pretty dreadful in places, and is ludicrously short, and where do I begin with the multiplayer? The weapon damage is just crazy, basically 2 bullets and your dead

CoD hardcore is the same as that. (CoD regular if you use a powerful gun like a sniper class)
snow mountain map is so funny on the tfu servers. enemy teams just sit and snipe in the spawn on the first section and make no effort to attack the objective. Then they all moan that its impossible to get out and stay there for the round and lose.

When its our turn to attack the simplest of tactics and we are all out and capping the objective in seconds. Every one steams down the hill pops smoke and vere right thru the smoke. Drop down the cliff and booom ya behind the enemy who are all looking thru scopes at ya spawn area :D kill em off and cap the chopper :D

I was in that game BongWater81 totally agree they just sat there and the next game the side with TFU just stormed it and owned, luckily I was on the TFU side :D
Gotta say I actually really enjoyed the SP. I'm a real sucker for the whole "Leave no man behind" Black Hawk Down style scenario though where you're out-gunned and need to reach the extraction point.

Main thing I really like about the SP though is the sound. Some of the best sound I've ever heard in a game. I also just love the way the weapons handle. They nailed the hairspring trigger of the M4 for example and so few games do that. It's the little things like being able to set your fire rate. I always use single shot. I also really did get immersed in it. Quite a convincing portrayal of the chaos and confusion of the first few days of the War in Afghanistan I think.

Sure, it was short though. And there are very dodgy bugs (particularly with nades). But after 3 hours of solid combat I went to bed last night feeling like I'd been through the ringer. I'll probably replay quite a lot of it too.

The MP on the other hand... garbage imo. Like everyone says, the maps are too small and it just feels like Bad Company 1 to me. Not something I'll be going back to.
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