****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

Are the SP graphics broken? as im looking at screenshots of others and they look good but on mine they are pants, the in game gfx options for single player a bit basic aswell compared to MP. Im seeing a lot of posts about SP looking crap but others are saying it looks great
Are the SP graphics broken? as im looking at screenshots of others and they look good but on mine they are pants, the in game gfx options for single player a bit basic aswell compared to MP. Im seeing a lot of posts about SP looking crap but others are saying it looks great

Theres a thread on this forum about messing with the settings file for sp. it was either merged with this thread or it dropped off the first couple of pages.
Still stuck on SP hellfire bug. Still can't get on MP.
Note to EA, i spent money on your game. I at least want get to play and enjoy it.
Still enjoy Bf2 & BC2, but i'm p****d off with your latest offering.
snipers are being nerfed abit very soon so just like bfbc2 it will be abused a bit till sorted nothing new. also sitting back picking up kills at long range not everyones idea of a game :)

a few patches hopefully quickly will help.

What is this "SP Hellfire bug?"

You do realise to fire the hellfires, you need to hold down the number '4' till you get a lock, then release to fire?
What is this "SP Hellfire bug?"

You do realise to fire the hellfires, you need to hold down the number '4' till you get a lock, then release to fire?

On one mission you run to the top of a tower put on some binnoculars and guide hellfire missiles at oncoming tanks etc. The bug is that you cannot fire the missiles or guns at the oncoming enemy, they simply do not fire. If you go to the very left of the screen you can shoot, ain back to the middle where the tanks are and it fails to shoot again. The only way around this for me was to restart the whole level. Bit of a PITA but i am passed that bit now thank god.

On the whole though i'm enjoying the SP game :o
I also hit a bug during the supressing of a stationary gun. After dying and restarting at the checkpoint, I couldn't supress the gun again. Had to reload the entire level.
Whoever asked on the other (now closed thread) how to turn on V Sync, here is the answer -

My documents > EA Games > Medal of Honor > Multiplayer > Settings.ini.

Open it in notepad and change: VSync=true

Nothing wrong with that at all. I just feel there should be a breadth or gameplay you can get from PC games, not just the same old stuff thats getting churned out now

Its about having choices and options, and I don't see why people expect anything other than what they're getting from the big publishers. They will keep making whatever targets the most players as they are a business. Smaller publishers and companys are where people should be looking to now, not buying EA type stuff then wondering why its not what they want

I didn't realise they were exclusive?

Last time I checked I could still buy the interesting and quirky indie games while playing the more established franchises.

Quit the whole zomg Boycott EA/Activision. They are entitled to make money and the produce what sells and if its sells its what people want.
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