This. Had to restart checkpoints atleast 3 times on the single player, 'Follow me, we gotta clear that shack'. Only for the AI to sit there and stare over the objective..doesnt move and the level cant continue without the AI.. It then proceeds to complain as i unloaded a couple of rounds into his head.
The multiplayer is meh, but thats just me i think. Small maps, too chaotic. Need teamwork and to play with a few mates for me to enjoy it. Goes woth everygame i play now these days.
BC2 wipes the floor with this game.
The SP seems broken from what I heard.
MP is a bit crazy. Join smaller servers? Played on mumble with people? Might help particularly if its not just this game your feeling unenthused about. I have my moments like that, just a severe lack of oompf to play games sometimes.