****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

This. Had to restart checkpoints atleast 3 times on the single player, 'Follow me, we gotta clear that shack'. Only for the AI to sit there and stare over the objective..doesnt move and the level cant continue without the AI.. It then proceeds to complain as i unloaded a couple of rounds into his head.
The multiplayer is meh, but thats just me i think. Small maps, too chaotic. Need teamwork and to play with a few mates for me to enjoy it. Goes woth everygame i play now these days.
BC2 wipes the floor with this game.

The SP seems broken from what I heard.

MP is a bit crazy. Join smaller servers? Played on mumble with people? Might help particularly if its not just this game your feeling unenthused about. I have my moments like that, just a severe lack of oompf to play games sometimes.
I just installed this and im only getting 20fps. which is pretty damn low for a 5850 oc'd. notice my cpu util is 100% on both.
The SP seems broken from what I heard.

MP is a bit crazy. Join smaller servers? Played on mumble with people? Might help particularly if its not just this game your feeling unenthused about. I have my moments like that, just a severe lack of oompf to play games sometimes.

Severe lack of oompf to play games of late, been a pc gamer for about 7 years, its either the games are gettin worse or im just losing interest in the fps genre in general.
Never heard of mumble, ill check it out.
yea, it was some process taking up 50% cpu. presentationfontcache.exe. odd. now i get 60fps smooth as **** from a ducks ass.
Severe lack of oompf to play games of late, been a pc gamer for about 7 years, its either the games are gettin worse or im just losing interest in the fps genre in general.
Never heard of mumble, ill check it out.

Without turning this as a recruiting thread if you look in the **OCUK official Game Servers** sticky at the top you will find our mumble details.

On an evening there is usually around 10-20 people online. Its certainly makes thigns more fun.
anyone know whats going off with ea servers at mo ?

I was having problems earlier as well, I came out of a game for food, come back and can't log back in. Restarted Steam, didn't help, so I ended up running the game, and when it comes to the login page again I just cancelled and went straight into the Multiplayer Friends thing and it worked, very odd occurings.

I'm loving the multiplayer too much...
Dropped out of a game on your server a while ago Dg, (food as well), went back on just a few mins after you posted, was able to get on your server fine, empty though.
Just played about 45 minutes on MP and it is just awful.

Pure and simple.

This one guy GuppieNL was getting 60-70-80 to 1 kills pounding the spawn points while he team mates had like 6/5 ratios it was stupid.

I cannot see myself ever playing that game again.

So what's the general feeling towards this game then? I've not been keeping up, busy moving house and such. Back online and I fancy shootin' some people, this game worth a shot?

EDIT: Post above me helped, lol. I guess I'll avoid it. :(
Just played about 45 minutes on MP and it is just awful.

Pure and simple.

This one guy GuppieNL was getting 60-70-80 to 1 kills pounding the spawn points while he team mates had like 6/5 ratios it was stupid.

I cannot see myself ever playing that game again.


why have they made it so easy to get sniped in the head, i died ten times in a row to snipers after spawning in base as our team couldnt get away from them, full dash from cover got you shot instantly, i hate games like this, i know some people can shoot, but it shouldnt be so easy to hit a moving target from other side of map, it's like there is no skill needed
I'm finding it an arcadey game, it will definitely get played... just not as much as BFBC2 which is a different beast. It will probably replaced COD for now.
I have played it it for a a few games and I have a love hate relationship with moh. I hate the way that my spawn point can get spammed with air stikes and nades etc. In one game I spawned in a stream bed and I must have died 15 times and did not even get a chance of getting one kill.
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