****OFFICAL MOH 2010 (Medal of Honor) THREAD****

On one mission you run to the top of a tower put on some binnoculars and guide hellfire missiles at oncoming tanks etc. The bug is that you cannot fire the missiles or guns at the oncoming enemy, they simply do not fire. If you go to the very left of the screen you can shoot, ain back to the middle where the tanks are and it fails to shoot again. The only way around this for me was to restart the whole level. Bit of a PITA but i am passed that bit now thank god.

On the whole though i'm enjoying the SP game :o

Yeah its quite annoying, you have to lean left as the laser pointer hits the ledge in front of you if not. It also has a problem with aiming over the far left of the screen so to get around it you need to chose the order of your targets carefully. Amazed that this wasn't picked up during testing to be honest. Unbelievable.
Yeah its quite annoying, you have to lean left as the laser pointer hits the ledge in front of you if not. It also has a problem with aiming over the far left of the screen so to get around it you need to chose the order of your targets carefully. Amazed that this wasn't picked up during testing to be honest. Unbelievable.

I think *very* little testing was done full stop. I'm enjoying the SP but it has to be one of the most buggy experiences for a while. Typical EA pushing timescales no doubt, get it out before Black Ops!!1111one.
Still stuck on SP hellfire bug. Still can't get on MP.
Note to EA, i spent money on your game. I at least want get to play and enjoy it.
Still enjoy Bf2 & BC2, but i'm p****d off with your latest offering.

you tried the q and e leaning buttons? just did lots of clicking and leaning and made it through!
If you have the Hellfire bug you have to restart the mission right from the beginning play through it all until that point and it will work, or it did for me anyway, so much easier when its not bugged, in fact its lol easy
guess I was lucky didn't get that hellfire bug at all, did get one where one of the mission triggers didn't work I spent ages trying to figure out what i was supposed to be doing it the one where you go on the quads to the little compound. was stood on the ledge with dusty for ages trying to figure out what i was supposed to do.

Had to restart from checkpoint and it worked OK. Quite a few bugs in SP but I am enjoying it.
Wish I didn't bother buying this game, I want my 30 quid back :(

Me too!

I'm in conversation with steam at the moment regarding a refund. A few white lie's about the game dont run and 24/7 CTD's doesnt hurt anyone does it?:D:D

I dont have high hopes but one can only try.. :p
Great sp campaign, bit short though, looks like i got a fully working PC copy, no game breaking bugs for me, well, never had to restart a mission to complete it anyway. I enjoyed the one in the tower c/w binocs, lots of tanks and enemy in the distance, scroll the mouse wheel for different cool weapons, love the hellfires and the big nasty sweeping bomb or whatever it was called :confused: :D.
Spent quite a bit of time in the SP and MP now and think I've come to the conclusion that this game is "ok". Boring most of the time, fun for small bursts occasionally, but nowhere near as well structured and intense as BC2 with a good team in place. I also think the maps really lack atmosphere and immersion. There's nowt so cool as in BC2 when your whole team flies off in choppers, pushes up with tanks etc. It's pretty thrilling stuff sometimes. MOH seems to lack that "woahhhh here we go lads!" thing that BC2 does so well.

Still, it's a damned sight better than MW2... back to BC2 for me though I think.
On one mission you run to the top of a tower put on some binnoculars and guide hellfire missiles at oncoming tanks etc. The bug is that you cannot fire the missiles or guns at the oncoming enemy, they simply do not fire.
Can you remember what the mission was called?, reason i ask is i'll try to reproduce it myself. I think i know which part your on about but to me it was just a case of point scroll aim click job done.
guess I was lucky didn't get that hellfire bug at all, did get one where one of the mission triggers didn't work I spent ages trying to figure out what i was supposed to be doing it the one where you go on the quads to the little compound. was stood on the ledge with dusty for ages trying to figure out what i was supposed to do.

Had to restart from checkpoint and it worked OK. Quite a few bugs in SP but I am enjoying it.

Yeah I had this too, just a restart solved it and the other two specops came around the corner on their bikes.
Love the MP so far, havent played much of the SP campaign yet tbh. Its a lot better online than the farce that is MW2.
Wish I didn't bother buying this game, I want my 30 quid back :(

This. Had to restart checkpoints atleast 3 times on the single player, 'Follow me, we gotta clear that shack'. Only for the AI to sit there and stare over the objective..doesnt move and the level cant continue without the AI.. It then proceeds to complain as i unloaded a couple of rounds into his head.
The multiplayer is meh, but thats just me i think. Small maps, too chaotic. Need teamwork and to play with a few mates for me to enjoy it. Goes woth everygame i play now these days.
BC2 wipes the floor with this game.
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