**Official** Aion Beta Thread

I'm not sure if anyone is giving any away it will probably be in a week or so. Keep an eye out on these forums and the official Aion website and you should find one (if available)
haha! All fear the horny wolf. I've got one of you as your other reincarnation on the previous page :)

It's over :( Made it to lvl 19 with 72% to 20 ;)

I will hopefully bring the thread back a day or two before the next Beta, thats if it goes missing that is. OR maybe make a new one. Hope you all had a good weekend on Aion I know I did!
I'm not a hardcore MMO player but I'm enjoying Aion just for the art of the areas and the little community we have got going. The quests are fairly "grindy" but not exactly boring and do have depth to them if you actually read the quests. Have the campaign quests separate is great and they are far more enjoyable quests especially in a group.

But at the end of the day like all MMOs its all about person preferences, you will either like and MMO or loath it.
Well the beta is version 1.0 I believe? Or 1.1 but when the retail hits it will be 1.5 which adds another 30 or so instances, 4-5 sets of armor, tons more hair styles etc and plenty of new clothes and tweaks/fixes.

For people who want to change the camera settings now you can (in the retail version):

"1.5v test server has enable left mouse button to rotate camera and invert mouse.

Meaning.... if you remove click to move and enable left mouse button to rotate camera you get... a standard western movement."

Quoted from the Aionsource forums.

Even the beta we have all been playing feels like an mmo after its had 3-4 patches to remove some of the essential bugs. Their is plenty of content all ready and with them adding 3-4 new areas already since the Korean release date about 6-7 months ago? NCSoft are really support this game already.
Thanks for the screenies Robin, I'm looking good in that screeny with 3000DP :P

I only had 3 lag spikes (each lasting 3 seconds) over my whole weekend? Hopefully it will be better for you next beta Lyon and we can get a big group going :)
hehe. I never used my DP as I haven't got any good skills that use it. Here are some updates coming from version 1.5 (retail in EU/US):

New Weapons - http://www.aionsource.com/forum/news-announcements/21606-new-heroic-weapons-version-1-5-pics-included.html

Some patch notes translated:

Just to give you all a brief overview of what the latest patch entails:
12 New Instance Dungeons!
Pirate Ships ;o
An arcade-styled battleground, the Dreadgion of all things.
Brand new skills and advanced stigma customization.
New costumes!
Item tweaks and changes, brand new sets!
Changes/Additions to the Gathering system.
UI changes.
Greater levels of character customization.
I still didn't have any lag at all really just 3 lag spikes in the 20+ hours of play :P I must have been lucky because I kept seeing guildies dcing or lagging out etc.

Getting a bit closer until the next beta :D
Hmm I'm just getting more confused on why I didn't have any lag? o.o My PC specs aren't great and my connection doesn't really have a killer ping. Going to write another little review on my website soon :)
[timko];14468634 said:
Maxilive I think it would be a good idea to get a mod to change the title of thread to just "**Official** Aion Beta Thread". You can edit your first post and change the title but it won't change in the forum listing, as such mod attention is required.

Quickest way to do that, and this will sound silly but it works, is to report your first post by clicking the triangle underneath your avatar and then enter your request. Within an hour or so a mod will see the report and make the appropriate change :)

Cheers :D Done that, lets hope the title changes rather than the thread getting closed hehe. I doubt pre-made characters will be any of the betas as they want people to test from lvl 1-50. I'm guessing it will just be upping the cap by 5 or 10.
A Vent server would be great, I don't know anyone who has one though :(

Quote from Aion's website:

A week has passed since the third closed beta event ended and left you to the cold and bitter world outside Aion. The good news is that only one week remains until the next electrifying beta event commences. Here’s what you will want to remember.

Focus: Elyos and Asmodian levels 1-25, including access to the Abyss.
Starting time: 17th of July (noon PST, 8 PM BST, 9 PM CEST)
Ending time: 20th of July (July 19th 11.59 PM PST, July 20th 8 AM BST/9 AM CEST)

For anyone confused about these time standards, PST is the time on the US west coast, BST is what to look at if you’re in London and CEST is for those of you in Central Europe.

One of the more common items of feedback during our previous beta event pertained to server stability and we have made sure to address this specifically with the updated client for the coming weekend. Find below a list of updates for CB4:

Increased server stability
Various UI fixes
Various NPC load failure fixes
Various NPC grammatical fixes
Various Glossary term grammatical fixes
New NPC Dialogue/Quest text for Sanctum and Pandaemonium
GameGuard update

Fansites in our highly treasured Fansite Programme will be launching various events and competitions this week if you don’t yet have a beta key secured for the weekend. Make sure to keep an eye open for these, but be extra observant and vigilant - the numbers are scarce.
[timko];14492478 said:
This time around I'm going to start a new character seeing as last time I reached level 13 without using newly acquired skills, and essentially dual-sworded it all the way. Now I know where I have to be looking to add new skills to the quickbar at the bottom of the screen I should be able to level up much quicker! :cool:

Is it still worth me joining the OCuk legion (where everyone seems to be on Level 94539876483746538745) or would I be dragging everyone down with my new low level character?

Not at all, we only have 2 lvl 20s and 1 lvl 19 (me) I think everyone else is in the early teens with some lower ones. Plus I hope to get some new members any ways :D
Fixed :D

Getting closer now! Last day of school, so I've setup a lan game of COD 1 for the kids + teachers. 20 player deathmatch, they are loving it. AT Least this work day is going fast :D

CBT4 starts in 0d 9h 54m 8s...
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[timko];14498428 said:

I think there are quite a few hardcore players here, eg Maxi and the other 2 or 3 in the OCuk Legion with him last time round, that managed to get around 15-17. Whether or not some of them were using characters already levelled up from #1 and #2 I'm not sure but if they got all 17 levels in just #3 then that's impressive!

We did have a fairly big group running through it from level 12 or so. I started from level 1 and spent most of my time helping others but yes there is a few of us that were playing for many hours :P

I think with some help you should easily make it to level 15, I made it to level 19 with not playing some days and others made it to level 20 with 100% exp with plenty of time to spare :)
There servers will be getting hammered :P In Close beta 2 I was downloading at 30-50kb/sec (16mb line) then after I formatted ready for Closed Beta 3 I was downloading at 1mb a sec. Just too many people downloading it atm I'm afraid :(
hehe :D UltraDad do you know what your name will be?

I shall invite you to the legion. Got me a bottle of pepsi and some chocolate brownie cake + some filthy electro!
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