**Official** Aion Beta Thread

With this new Beta I'm going to create a new player liste for the Original Post, so post us your character name, class and race :D


I've also changed the Legion server to Beritra as Ariel gets fairly busy and people had difficulties making characters :)
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Elyos = Beritra
Asomodian = Ereshkigal

That is the too OCUK servers I was thinking of playing on as their should be some space :)

Also as soon as everyone registers, or knows already. Pass on your Player name and Class and I will add you to the player list in the OP for people to party up and enjoy the game more.
Gamershell was download at like 500kb for me earlier when trying to download the patch :(

Got it via torrent instead... took a good while to install. I've also updated the OP with a new picture :)
Once you have made your characters please post your name and class here so I can add your to the original post. Then you can add whoever you choose to party :)
Well I played last night for around 4-5 hours and had 0 issues at all :D

We now have a Legion for the Elyos ;) Spent all my money on it yesterday. Please PM me (Maxi) or CossackNoodle (Ravin - in game) to get yourself an invite. Solts are limited until we become a lvl 2 Guild, so get pming asap :P

Though I am most likely in the minority I don't really like PVP in MMO's. I like battlegrounds in WoW on occasion, but am far more a PVE players. I play FPS and fighting games if I want to compete against people.

I guess my point is I am worried that I won't enjoy the game as much for this reason, or is it not a valid concern?

I don't really like PvP either. Nah you will have the same enjoyment out of Aion as any other MMO. You will be missing out on the Abyss (which i think is the same as wow battlegrounds?) but you will also have the excitement of random Rifts popping up near your hunting spot.
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Remember guys post your player name and race and I'll add you to the Player list in the OP

Also I'll be able to invite you to the OcUK legion :)


Hmmmm, I had that feeling.

I don't mind PVP in bursts, but "needing" to do it doesn't appeal to me. I play MMO's for the story / exploration and raiding...

Battlegrounds are fun for a while but I get bored really quickly. I guess I am just to used to FPS and Fighting games for my "pvp" rather than MMO's.:p

Still I might get it if only for a month to try it out, I suppose I could at least level for something to do. I am getting pretty damn tired of wow, and am thinking of canceling my sub and trying it out once Cataclysm hits.

You do have PvP in bursts via the rift gates or you can PvP in the abyss. The game does offer a lot of non pvp instances along with the large variety of areas etc. It's just the Abyss has a lot of quests and instances of its own which you would be missing. Still loads of content for us none pvpers though :D
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Hmm, all I could say is try setting hte game to run "fullscreen" or "windowed" instead of fullscreen-windowed.

Or try DMZ on your router

Or remove all firewalls etc
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