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*** Official AMD 7990 Owners Thread ***

My first card did, the asus 7990 from ocuk. However even over the course of one day it got better.

My second XFX had no coil whine while browsing, but had a bit more during gaming. However its already started to fade and i believe it will vanish completely soon.

So Matt...what's the plan? Keeping it or not :p
Keeping it. :cool:

Excellent mate...I'm trying to work out the best cooling environment for it at the moment in my 600t (which has terrible airflow).

Couldn't keep it the SUGO as the OC on my i7 3770k was hitting around 85-90 Load...the 7990 on the other hand was sub 80 in the SUGO.

So into the 600t and I can use my 240mm rad and OC the i7 3770k at 70C and the HD7990 goes up to a toasty 88C on BF4...I can't win :p
Excellent mate...I'm trying to work out the best cooling environment for it at the moment in my 600t (which has terrible airflow).

Couldn't keep it the SUGO as the OC on my i7 3770k was hitting around 85-90 Load...the 7990 on the other hand was sub 80 in the SUGO.

So into the 600t and I can use my 240mm rad and OC the i7 3770k at 70C and the HD7990 goes up to a toasty 88C on BF4...I can't win :p

We have the same case mate, so you could try my setup. Mines a bit awkward though as i have a h100i so that messes things up a bit. I'd recommend 4x120mm side exhausts.
Maybe i am lucky seems when i am playing games my temps are not going that high on the card, i mean my room is fing freezing so thats helps but ye i have not seen the card push 60 yet, however i bet u mext time i write a status it will prob be "oh **** ir broke" :0 but so far so good
We have the same case mate, so you could try my setup. Mines a bit awkward though as i have a h100i so that messes things up a bit. I'd recommend 4x120mm side exhausts.

My Seidon 240mm rad is fitted to the top...

Yeah I was tempted to use the side exhausts but...I've ninja'd another 200mm fan to help the flow from the front of the case, one bringing the air in a second bringing the air over the 7990, trying to create a kind of wind tunnel effect which will hopefully help.

Will let you know how this idea goes :p Otherwise I may be looking at 4x120mm side exhausts.
Is one of these cards quieter than a single Msi Oc 7970 when pushed?
I already hate the loud noise of my 7970, two would just be much much worst.
All this talk on exhausting heat.. Anybody using an Haf X stock case with good results?

I was leaning towards a new console until I started reading this thread. :D
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My Seidon 240mm rad is fitted to the top...

Yeah I was tempted to use the side exhausts but...I've ninja'd another 200mm fan to help the flow from the front of the case, one bringing the air in a second bringing the air over the 7990, trying to create a kind of wind tunnel effect which will hopefully help.

Will let you know how this idea goes :p Otherwise I may be looking at 4x120mm side exhausts.

Keep me updated ill be interested to see how you find it. Side exhausts aren't ideal but it seems to work best overall.
Keep me updated ill be interested to see how you find it. Side exhausts aren't ideal but it seems to work best overall.

Considering Valley is bloomin' intensive it went to 87 load plus the room is fairly warm tonight with the heating on...so that actually doesn't seem too bad at all so far. Will need to stick bf4 on for a proper real time conditions test.
Considering Valley is bloomin' intensive it went to 87 load plus the room is fairly warm tonight with the heating on...so that actually doesn't seem too bad at all so far. Will need to stick bf4 on for a proper real time conditions test.

I'll match that test. What clocks, voltage settings did you use? Just one benchmarking run yeah?
Stock clocks and volts mate. i7 clocked @ 4.4ghz

Was your card running at 950 or 1000 core? 1.200v? Have you the custom bios yet?

Wasn't sure so i ran both.

My own custom stock settings with a lower voltage, fully game stable.

1000/1500 @1.130v

Spent most of the time at 77C but both cores peaked at 78C on the last section.


1000/1500 @1.200v

Temps rose quicker here, quickly getting to 78c before even half the bench was completed. Then it steadied and settled at 82c.


Auto fan profile is really nice and quiet. Four side exhaust fans ftw.

We have a long threat about this issue in Spain

Please use Google translation

Look at the graphs.


Our preliminary conclusions is that the power fase are insufficient so the card has to regulate it self. In w8 it does OK but in w7 doesn't. So if your voltage is lower than 11.5 V de load will drop in w7 from 98 to 60 % jumping all the time and in w8 to a constant 92%.

The only solution to get the best of 7990 is a gold power supply higher than 800w with w8 and power limit +20%.

Do you have the same experience or the 7990 series that have been sold in Spain are wrong?


Salvation awaits you and all your Spanish friends. I hope you can understand my English and my attempt at Spanish via google translate. God speed 7990 brother. :cool:

Certainly seems to be the way forward mate...I'll need to look into doing similar, around 86 load in BF4 but of course fans turned up fairly loud to be honest.

I may indeed give your exhaust solution a go. Are you intaking from the front/top/rear? Or still exhaust from the rear?

I'm intaking everywhere apart from the sides. I'm tempted to try the rear as exhaust but that will give me negative pressure which means ill get loads of dust. I've also removed all the pci brackets to give the 7990 more room to breathe. Honestly i don't think my setup is perfect and i will continue to tinker. I might try flipping my psu round as well.
Thanks a lot.

I will report you if w7 problems resolves.

Good to hear. I had the same problem when i got my 7990. I looked back at your post and i remembered I had a similar issue with my 7950 boost crossfire setupp. As soon as i got my 7990 i knew it was throttling, though it behaved slightly differently from 7950 boost throttling.

Let me know how it goes. :)
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