I also would recommend a different board.
The Gigabyte GA-880GA-UD3H that Gareth has already mentioned would be be a good choice.
You have chosen a board without any cooling on the VRM's, that is not a good idea with an OC'd hex core.
Dependent on your choice of heatsink you may find that the reapers are too tall.
Quite a few heatsinks will encrouch into the area above the ram slots and with the reapers having that handle on top there wont be enough clearence.
Gonna have to look at replacing the Reapers, just looking at the Mobo pic it does look like it would infringe so gonna replace them with a set of these:
Corsair XMS3 4GB http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=MY-203-CS
I suspect thats the right speed of ram I should be looking for?