*******Official Armed Assault 2 thread of official officialness*******

Been playing this over the weekend and I have come to the conclusion that it is a right load of turd. CTD's randomly and frequently, bad coding, not brilliant graphics, SP is appalling and multiplayer is a fairly tedious wait around for a helicopter game and once you finally get to your mission target it would CTD.

I've had enough of it.....

Roll on OF2: DR.
i reckon if you dont like this theres not much chance of you likng OF2, they are essentially two different takes on the same game. OF2 isnt going to be any closer to a COD shooter than Arma2.
Hard to like a game that ctd's every 5 mins, I do understand that as it happens to me just as you start getting a feel for it. For me I love the editor and that will work for several hours and was worth it for that alone.
Its not the style of the game or the gameplay or anything like that really. Its just the bugs and CTD's that are so poor. From what I have seen of OFP2, the videos look far better. I shall persevere with Arma but its starting to grate. At least the first OFP had bareable bugs!
Its not the style of the game or the gameplay or anything like that really. Its just the bugs and CTD's that are so poor. From what I have seen of OFP2, the videos look far better. I shall persevere with Arma but its starting to grate. At least the first OFP had bareable bugs!

I find the game reasonably stable ( but did have a few issues when I first got it due to my overclocking being prime stable but not arma2 stable , boost of cpu voltage fixed it tho)
Think I'll need to live in the tweaking thread for a while, the higher detail I put the game the more trashed the graphics get. Textures missing etc. :D
Sure I recall someone having the same issue in this thread so I imagine there'll be a fix.
Curse you ArmA!
W00t had a few games on this last night after leaving it for a while. Played some awesome CQB maps but cant remember the server's name :mad: was waaaaaaay better than having to wait for a transport 5km to battle!!

My bro was playing too at the same resolution as me but with a better gfx card (GTX 260) but lesser cpu (e2160 @ 3.1GHz), and had at least 10fps below me and found it unplayable. We had the same video settings so i think that maybe the limited 1MB L2 cache on the C2D was his bottleneck, might sell him my Q6600 and upgrade myself to Q9550 or i7...
those of you struggling to get into multiplayer I highly suggest you setup your own game - and get friends or others to join

I find the massive domination - waiting for helicopters etc - maps frustrating and un-rewarding

yet a 4 player co-op attack on a computer generated village FAR more fun - had a blast the other week with this and a few other players

AI was really good ... whats good is that they show no fear !

you genuinely can get totally pinned down (like real-life I suppose) without being able to even go to crouch - all you can hear are the richochets, and with the really near ones a phweet.

got a 4890 (Asus) arriving next week - but also tempted to change my Q6600 - to a Q9550 - not sure if it is worth it but sure would like lower temps and vcores !! (1.50V at the moment .. .on air ...)
I've got to say, I take back my previous statements after playing for 7 hours on the OCUK server! Some fantastic players in there, really played as a team and I will be back! TS was a scream too! Thanks to all on the server, l33, Sparkey, Niko, Taggert etc. was great....
Havent played this since about a week after it came out, just had a go then...just can't seem to click with the game...singleplayer is okay, but nothing gripping... and multiplayer isn't hooking me in either. Seems the immediate wow factor I talked about originally has gone :(

Might come back to it in a couple of months and see how I feel about it then.
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well i've had a few goes now,and im starting to warm to it

glad theres ppl on there who know wot there doin otherwise it would be a nightmare

the realism is good altho coop and the AI kinda leaves me empty...maybe sum cqb against ppl ?

but on the whole im enjoyin it....thanks for all the guys on the server..admins and all ocuk regulars for making it fun and serious at the same tims:)
Tried the demo and didn't bother since. Sound mixing is pretty bad, HUD is unintuitive and mouse look is incredibly laggy. It also likes to force restart my pc.
Having played through the SP campaign I have to say I was quite disappointed with it. Shoddily put together, bug ridden and rather boring in most cases.

However, there are some user created missions appearing now on various Arma 2 fansites that are very well put together so perhaps this game for me at least, has a wee bit more longevity in it. :cool:
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