**- Official Asus P5K Thread -**

Sorry to change topic, though this is the thread for P5K.
Can the Corsair Memory Cooler fit and not interfere with the back of the G80 ?
Flanno said:
Sorry to change topic, though this is the thread for P5K.
Can the Corsair Memory Cooler fit and not interfere with the back of the G80 ?

I was looking at one of those and it does look a bit close on this board
There's about a 5mm gap between the end of a standard stick and the back of a 8800 so if the cooler adds as much of that it'll probably clash with components on the back.

Don't want to blow 15 quid plus shipping and find out it won't work :(
Anyone tried it yet I wonder ?

Thanks Jokester...just saw your post.
Mansize_tissue said:
I would say so, yes. In fact, there was a guy on another forum who managed to lower the NB temperature under load on his P5K Deluxe, with an Antec SpotCool, from 55 to 45 degrees Celsius. Well, actually, this particular guy also added an Antec VCool fan to extract air from the NB area.

Take a look at his setup (i hope calebb doesn't mind me posting his picture):

Just ordered a vcool and a spot cool for myself :) That should do nicely.
Will install the lot on Friday, and choose between a new Ultra 120 Extreme or Noctua N12 I have sitting here, to replace the rubbish Ultra I got sent the first time. It's tough when it's an Antec P182 as the lot has to come out.
andyr said:
i just set my northbridge strap to 333 which is max and although benchmarks havent changed it boots quicker and seems quicker between menus to me

Have you tried the 266Mhz and 200Mhz straps, too?

I hope it works out, Flanno. Although, with a SpotCool, would you need a memory cooler as well? I would've thought the SpotCool would do a descent job of cooling the memory and the NB. If a dedicated memory cooler will fit, though, i'm certainly not against it.
Thanks mate.

So what would you say the best cooling solution would be for the memory and NB (without mods).

A corsair fan to cool the memory, and an antec vcool in the top 2 pci-e slots to pull hot air off the nb. Or would a combination of an antec spot cool and something else work better.
I set Fsb to 425 and multi at x8 giving 3.4 Gig cpu speed i then set Northbridge strap to 333 and ram at 1020 , Cpuz showed ram at 510 with 5:6 divider , when i went back into bios mem speed had jumped to 1275 , when i checked in cpuz it was still on 510 with 5:6 divider so using the strap seems to allow the nb to run seperate to the ram ??? maybe as performance is better for me using this new feature . Tried quickly at 266 and it wouldnt boot i guess this is due to sub memory timimngs being tighter when set to auto mode
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Hi , just to let you know that most people have found that when flashing it uninstalls the nvidia drivers so it boots up in vga mode , this same thing happend to me also , no other issues though
andyr said:
Hi , just to let you know that most people have found that when flashing it uninstalls the nvidia drivers so it boots up in vga mode , this same thing happend to me also , no other issues though

Is this just when flashing the 0403 BIOS? Are you keeping this BIOS with the 333Mhz NB strap setting, or ditching it?
andyr said:
Just installed 0403 bios and they have added Northbridge strap any idea what it will do for us ?

I tried setting my e2160 to 266fsb up from 200fsb with a bit of silver conductive fluid; I assume this is a bios setting making this hardware mod unnecessary.

You would do this hardware mod on for CPUs running on cheapo boards which didnt clock high fsb. Other than that its useful to change to see if you can raise your cpu fsb wall. Some cpus will go higher if u set the default fsb of the motherboard higher. The cause of this overclocking issue is a combination of the cpu and board; its not 1 or the other.

I say this because as someone pointed out on xtremesystems.org that older p4s were thought to have cpu fsb walls due to the cpu but running on later chipsets the cpu fsb wall is smashed.
Mansize_tissue said:
Is this just when flashing the 0403 BIOS? Are you keeping this BIOS with the 333Mhz NB strap setting, or ditching it?
i am keeping it for now i will run some super pi tests and see if the feeling of spped is real or not

I guess that if you leave the setting in auto then it the same as previous bios anyway

apparently 05xx is out in a couple of weeks with a couple of surprises :eek:
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anyone using 0404 yet?

edit just tried the 0404 and they seem to have changed the power off reboot , now the fans stay up when you do a restart or save and exit
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Yeah it still has the strap settings the same 3 values and it does still power off if you have a change in bios and its not going to boot, otherwise it seems ok , i am trying the 266 strap at the moment and seeing if using higher mem speed will show any benefit

edit , switched strap back to auto, lol ,it was doing me harm :)
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