*** Official Battlefield: Bad Company 2 Thread ***

13 Mar 2010
2k?! Now, this might show me up but I've only managed a top score of 600 per game! How did you get 2K? I'm new to consoles so my aim is rubbish at the moment :p

The more of a teamplayer you are, the more points you gain, repairing, healing, spotting, motion mine assist, assist an similar gives you a fair amount of points, but when you get Squad repair, Squad heal, Squad motion mine assist you get LOADS of points.

Example: Revive : 50 points
Squad Revive: 80 points

So basically what I'm saying is, if you want good scores, do not be the lone wolf, play so that you help your Team, every class has their job:

Medic: act as support for Engineer and Assault, stay in cover behind them, heal and revive when you can, pick of targets when you can but try to stay behind cover or in the back of your Squad (or other on the team)

Engineer: Frontliner, be offensive, repair vehicles, destroy vehicles, use the traser dart, it gives loads of points.

Assault: Same as Engineer, except you act as a MOBILE SPAWN POINT, try to be the guy in the other teams area, so that your squad can spawn on you, resupply and take the kills you can, stay around medics so that they quickly can get you up and running again.

Recon: The Recon class is not made for sniping, it just has a sniper rifle, you act as a spotter for your team, you are supposed to spot enemies so that you help the rest of your team which may be offensive, also when you do snipe, PICK YOUR SHOTS, try only to shot when you see targets which stand still, get headshots, try to only get 1 shot kills, in that way the enemies will have a hard time finding you, use the mortar strike on tactical places, like a M-com station when your team has armed the bomb.
You get 20 points every someone on your team kills a enemy which you have spotted, I usually get around 1000-2000 points only by spotting!!

Heh, if you play on Xbox, add me and we'll play sometime, 600 points each round is bad :p I get around 3000 ++ almost every game I play

GT: NicoThePico

10 Apr 2004
Yeah I saw this on a video review on youtube. I wish more people did it - I'm sure you get bonus points if someone kills your spotted enemy (20 maybe)?
7 Mar 2007
Medic is ridiculous for points. Got 7.8k in one match, but that was with a good squad, which is more and more rare in this when playing with strangers.

Still finding the Medic the best class for me. The Assault weapons feel rubbish, apart from the AN-94 which is pretty good. Engineer is 50/50 for me, the weapons are good at times and awful at others. Think when i get the AK for him it will be better.

Still haven't touched Recon yet! :D Only need a few points to unlock the Motor Strike, so ill do that today.
14 Jul 2009
i dont know if anyone else felt thhe same or not but on PS3 this game is getting annoying....noob snipers sit at a far distant and do the mortar strike again and again on mcom, rather than arming the charge they just blew them up with destruction 2.0....thats noobism to me. and believe me most of them would have the rank under 10......few try their luck with tanks.....:mad:
28 Oct 2003
i dont know if anyone else felt thhe same or not but on PS3 this game is getting annoying....noob snipers sit at a far distant and do the mortar strike again and again on mcom, rather than arming the charge they just blew them up with destruction 2.0....thats noobism to me. and believe me most of them would have the rank under 10......few try their luck with tanks.....:mad:

Xbox is even worse than PS3 by far. There is literally only one or two people in ALL the games I've played that are bothering to move out of the spawn zones and attempt the M-COMs.

The weird thing is, I've not heard a single voice on the 360 yet and considering everyone is equipped with a mic, it is very bizarre.
18 Aug 2004
The Toilet
Xbox is even worse than PS3 by far. There is literally only one or two people in ALL the games I've played that are bothering to move out of the spawn zones and attempt the M-COMs.

The weird thing is, I've not heard a single voice on the 360 yet and considering everyone is equipped with a mic, it is very bizarre.

its far from this to be honest in my experience, sometimes you get a bunch of complete retards in your team, but iv had some amazing games with random squads, against opposition teams that have really pushed, or defended well.

I barely use my mic in random games, but I mostly play with my mates in same squad so i use it a lot then... no point speaking to half the random idiots in publics, its not the most cunning or difficult of games to understand, you dont need to ask to be revived etc... or tell people where to go
17 May 2004
Xbox is even worse than PS3 by far. There is literally only one or two people in ALL the games I've played that are bothering to move out of the spawn zones and attempt the M-COMs.

The weird thing is, I've not heard a single voice on the 360 yet and considering everyone is equipped with a mic, it is very bizarre.

I don't think you can hear anyone but your squadmates when playing on the 360. Also, if you have your privacy settings set to not allow voice from players not on your friends list, then that'll be stopping it as well. Coming from the constant MW2 whiners, I had mine enabled but I switched it off when I started playing BC2 due to the squad voice limitation.

i dont know if anyone else felt thhe same or not but on PS3 this game is getting annoying....noob snipers sit at a far distant and do the mortar strike again and again on mcom, rather than arming the charge they just blew them up with destruction 2.0....thats noobism to me. and believe me most of them would have the rank under 10......few try their luck with tanks.....:mad:

You get this on the 360 as well but it isn't always too bad. There have been a lot of really good games with close firefights next to the MCOM stations. A few of us 360 players (Jimmy, Hugo, and Oxy) had some really frantic games last night :)


anyone know what i need to unlock the spec2 items, i have special items 1 and 3 but i have no idea how to unlock any items in spec2?


These items will unlock for you as your score progresses. Spec2 items are things like grenade launchers for the Assault class, or medikit upgrades (I think). Check the Weapons & Gadgets section for what you need to get these items unlocked.
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13 Feb 2004
South Shields
I've managed to max out recon.. got the unlocks on Assault and now working on Medic... the game is really good.

Also... the recon guys arnt too bad once you figure out how to play them... realise where they are going to try and pick u off and always run then cover.. then run then cover.

I have died more times from assault players than recon.

I have to say I'm really enjoying this game a lot.. and now I'm getting into squad play the game is excelling...
17 May 2004
Because you get one in the box! Not taking "everyone" in its literal sense, the % of players on 360 with mic > PS3 and there was generally someone on PS3 babbling away, usually in French or German.

Only if you buy a premium or an elite. The arcade doesn't come with a mic.
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