Just got back from another evening of playing this game and found another old enemy that had reared its head: spawn killing.
Joined a game playing the big desert map. Within minutes, two guys from the same clan had jumped into two helicopters, pushed us back to our spawn, then proceeded to strafe sideways in circles around our deployment zone raking us with gunfire constantly. This went on for about ten minutes, following a pattern of spawning, firing rockets at them in vain, then getting blown to pieces. I managed to jump into an APC and give one a burst with the HMG before he blew me up. This is how the rest of the game went. We lost soon after.
Dickheads, both of them. I get even more enraged playing this on Xbox because I cant tell them what utter ****s they are; not that they'd care. They're the usual sort of ******** clan members, playing on public servers doing nothing but increasing their kill score, no matter how mundane and trudging their quest to do so. Seriously, get out of the overpowered choppers, come down to ground level and actually play the game.
And Ive just left a game on the Nelson Pass map, the one where you spawn parachuting down? Guess what happened; got pushed back, and the enemy camped in the trees picking us off as we fell. Brilliant. There was nothing I could do, returning fire from a parachute is nigh on immpossible, and I was dead before I hit the ground. Rage quit after about the 9th time it happened.
Oh, and there's still too many snipers. Dickheads, the lot of them. Seriously, why are there still so many complete ****wits playing this game?