You just don't have the skills to hide in plain sight.
I managed to set up on a roof in enemy territory and snipe quite a few of them. I was there for about 10 minutes with an enemy helicopter hovering about focused on my team mates who were trying to get to the base. Eventually, another sniper spotted me as I spotted him. He fired first.
I just can't get this bloody demolition trophy! I have the others, including the SPECACT ones, but this is just ridiculous.
^ Sqaud DM on arica harbor, shotgun and c4! and explosive upgrade find buildings with the doors broken and fix c4 in corners run out, boom ur get it in the end
For the SPECACT ones do you have to download (and pay for) that additional content?
Everyone seems to jump out just before the building collapses. You can hear it a mile off.
Yeah that's right, think I paid £3.99 for all of them.
The new camouflage you get doesn't really blend in with the environments on any of the maps and the weapons aren't exactly anything to go crazy about (just basic camo). I merely got them as I needed some new challenges to do whilst taking a break from that goddamn trophy.
100 kills in total, 5 kill streak and 8 kills in one round = trophy/achievement
8 kills in one round?..or with one round?
Just taking a break from it atm, it gets boring playing it on your own...
And yeah, I meant 8 kills with one round.
Nelson bay Rush on Defence is an easy way to get a repair tool kill. Flank them or hang back then go for the unsuspecting punter on the UAV station. I did the 5 pistol kills like that as well as some were very weak back then.
so who still plays this on xbl? havnt got anyone for a decent squad anymore
I play loads, it's the only Xbox game Im playing at the moment.
However, getting annoyed with dickheads. Why are clan players such nobs? The other night on Atacama, two clan members were in an Apache literally just circling our spawn and spamming it with rockets. That's pretty much the game over. They did it non-stop, there is no effective defence against it. What possible satisfaction do these morons get from doing it? Why not just play the game properly.
I was once playing and I spawned as the gunner of an MI24 Hind. There was a clan member in the pilot seat. We spent a few minutes flying around, and I got a fair few kills over the objective.
His friend spawned in the same helicopter, so he proceeded to land at our spawn and sit there with the engine running. I guess he wanted me to get out, but I stayed put. His friend then dismounted, shot me through the glass, jumped into the gunners seat and they both flew off (probably to circle spam the enemy base)
It always seems to be clan members, with the highest rank of 50 - quite easy to see how they achieve that rank if all they do is spawn camp on public servers