Poll: ****Official Battlefield Bad Company 2 Thread*****

Which type of game play would you prefer

  • Normal Rush Mode

    Votes: 481 33.4%
  • Hardcore Rush Mode

    Votes: 222 15.4%
  • Normal Conquest

    Votes: 507 35.2%
  • Hardcore Conquest

    Votes: 229 15.9%

  • Total voters
You seem to be forgetting that while you can kill people faster, they can kill you back just as fast

Uh no, killing something faster in hardcore is just hitting them (easy), killing something faster in normal is hitting them and then hitting them in the head (harder). As I said, a lot of the skill is left in hardcore, but a key part of the motor skill is removed... so overall hardcore is easier to play.

The carpet comment that everyone who plays hardcore only plays it to make up for their terrible aim is pathetic.

None of this elitist twoddle is aimed at people who just prefer one over the other or just like playing publics for fun as they get on with it -- It is aimed at the people who start spouting hardcore is "more tactical" takes "more skill" or w/e brand of nonsense... It isn't true and they need a slap. That doesn't mean you can't be a good FPS gamer and prefer to play hardcore. It doesn't mean that you can't just ignore it for the sake of fun if you prefer it.
Anyone that's having trouble killing people in BC2: Get yourself an M60, stick a red dot sight on it and equip the LMG aim perk. Takes about 4 rounds to take someone down.

Monster weapon
None of this elitist twoddle is aimed at people who just prefer one over the other or just like playing publics for fun as they get on with it -- It is aimed at the people who start spouting hardcore is "more tactical" takes "more skill" or w/e brand of nonsense... It isn't true and they need a slap. That doesn't mean you can't be a good FPS gamer and prefer to play hardcore. It doesn't mean that you can't just ignore it for the sake of fun if you prefer it.


To each their own, but for as many as they are saying hardcore is more skilled there is just as many saying "normal" takes more skill. Different play styles.
Rage, the good old friend of online FPS games :D

Hardcore mode plus a team of dedicated gamers will always have an advantage over randoms, normal mode will just lessen the effect of team work which the TFU guys clearly have and should have.

Little side story: I was playing last night and shouted "Get to the choppa!", my flatmate responded: "You mean the one outside?"
There was one over the centre of Bristol for an hour or so last night, annoying and loud as ****!
The client server side of things is very hit and miss for me, i sometimes have very good games where things go my way, granted there few and far between, just last night i was on tfu server and head to head against thegoon, i put 3 shots from my pistol into him and then knifed him in the head, heard and seen all the hit regs my end and yet i stil died, that makes me rage, im glad the chat is disabled as i think the ten second respawn time gives time for you to calm down and recompose yourself
what can i do to turn the bloom off in single player?

turned it off in the settings doc in My Documents but its still there....its making single player a bit unplayable at times because of all the glow :(
Rage, the good old friend of online FPS games :D

Hardcore mode plus a team of dedicated gamers will always have an advantage over randoms, normal mode will just lessen the effect of team work which the TFU guys clearly have and should have.

Little side story: I was playing last night and shouted "Get to the choppa!", my flatmate responded: "You mean the one outside?"
There was one over the centre of Bristol for an hour or so last night, annoying and loud as ****!

bah I don't know. Anyone is welcome on our vent to show how untactical we are :D

Playing to win isn't a bad thing is it?
The client server side of things is very hit and miss for me, i sometimes have very good games where things go my way, granted there few and far between, just last night i was on tfu server and head to head against thegoon, i put 3 shots from my pistol into him and then knifed him in the head, heard and seen all the hit regs my end and yet i stil died, that makes me rage, im glad the chat is disabled as i think the ten second respawn time gives time for you to calm down and recompose yourself

I've seen this, happens a lot when people spawn. Like some invisible spawn protection.
Imo Normal mode is what battlefield is all about its always took more shots to kill someone in a bf game, you have to control your fire and be a good at getting those controlled burst to the head or body.

Hardcore mode was put into the game at the last minute, to please the cod players coming over who are used to guns with little recoil and just hold down the fire button, to get there kills, you can see from a lot of things about hardcore it wasn't thought out very well at all, and all they did was remove the map and double bullet damage.

If you have a problem playing in normal mode, the actually mode the game was based/designed for then you have problems playing the game.
Hardcore mode, first person to fire wins the battle simple as that, when you can shoot someone in the foot with a sniper rifle and get instant kill compared to normal mode where you must head shot, its common sense which mode is the most skillful.

Hardcore mode just seems better to me, i really don't like the idea people think its played to make up for a lack of skill or accuracy, i play it because i like the realism, i don't complain a game needs to have realism then expect to be able to take 4 or 5 bullets before i die.

I can play normal mode but i think i shouldn't be able to leg it across a street and take a bullet on the way across and be able to run and hide form my attacker before he can make it to me, it just doesn't happen. At the end of the day if you stick your head round a corner and some one pops you with a bullet you should go down.
That being said i understand that normal mode does do away with some of the spray an pray tactics but at the same time if your enemy can stick one shot on you and put you down your less inclined to fire shot when you arnt sure there gonna hit.

Id go as far as to say that id be surprised if people saying Hardcore mode is for those who arnt as accurate or skilled probably cant play it or don't do nearly as well in it so consider it null and void
Pretty much, I think hardcore would be good if they actually spent a bit of time balancing the game properly around fewer shot kills rather than just applying a single sweeping modifier to the balance of normal.
I like both modes really. I think softcore feels a little easier though if anything, perhaps due to my play style. The guys I play with mostly swear by hardcore though and won't play anything else. Ideally I'd like something in the middle ground.

I just find random nade spamming in hardcore mode incredibly enraging. Maybe it's just the servers I've been on, but anyone that lacks any skill in aim just runs around with the noobtube and grenade spec. It infuriates me. Other than that, I love it. Though it's equally infuriating in softcore mode when you chuck in a nade and some guy slap bang in the middle of the blast manages to hulk through it...

Both have their +'s and -'s in my eyes. I'll play on either kind of server quite happily until I rage-quit due to crap K/D. :)
Pretty much, I think hardcore would be good if they actually spent a bit of time balancing the game properly around fewer shot kills rather than just applying a single sweeping modifier to the balance of normal.

Exactly, snipers shouldn't be a 1 shot kill in hardcore mode, if you want a 1 shot kill then aim for the head, where killing someone in 1 bullet is warranted. Not like in hardcore mode when even the crappiest of snipers can get a huge K/D ratio simply because they can just shoot and hope for the best, no real aim required.

Same with the shotgun slugs giving shotguns insane range, hell I've used them and was 1 shotting people from sniper distance with them on a hardcore server, also ridiculous.

Being honest hardcore mode does make up for a lack of aim to some extent, but I'd mainly say with sniper rifles, it doesn't feel like a challenge, and though it's lol-worthy sometimes just to rape people, it's just boring that it's so damn easy. It's like starting an MMO and getting all the best of the best stuff handed to you when you start so you just run around killing everyone in 1 hit, at first it's brilliant, but it gets very boring very quickly.
I don't see how people can say hardcore is an easier game mode. Yes spraying may be more effective than in normal mode, but in hardcore its easier to die so you have to be much more careful and tacticle about how you move. You can't simply run through an open area, take gun fire from 2 or 3 enemy and then survive to stab them all like you can in normal mode, in hardcore you have to be careful about where you move and think before you act. Normal mode is dumbed down in that you have so much life you can make tons of mistakes and still survive, hardcore mode is less forgiving when you make mistakes.
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