Poll: ****Official Battlefield Bad Company 2 Thread*****

Which type of game play would you prefer

  • Normal Rush Mode

    Votes: 481 33.4%
  • Hardcore Rush Mode

    Votes: 222 15.4%
  • Normal Conquest

    Votes: 507 35.2%
  • Hardcore Conquest

    Votes: 229 15.9%

  • Total voters
hardcore is for people who cant kill easy on normal.

it makes up for bad aiming where you shouldnt get a kill .


Are you having a laugh?

Tell you what right, go look at people's K/D's who play normal servers then go look at people's K/Ds who play on HARDCORE. I'm sorry but that comment is totally 100% WRONG!

If that is the case why is it when every i go on a NORMAL server i absolute clean up?

Perfect example is:

My current K/D is 0.80 as i only play on HARDCORE.... Now look at the score board from the TFU vs OCUK thing last nite on normal mode? K/D is around 2.50.

Everytime we venture out of HARDCORE we clean up... so your statement couldn't be more wrong if you tried. You've clearly been on a hardcore server got your backside sat and ran off with your tail between your legs.... BIG LOL
jesus, whats with all the willy waving.

My K/D is atrocious .4 I think, however normally do pretty well scorewise.

It's a game, have fun
Moving from normal to hardcore has a steep learning curve. My first round on it I rage quit due to having 1:10 kill death :-0 I'm no normally one to worry about that but man, I couldn't move without getting shot to pieces! Then I as posted above, I adapted, you actually need to use cover! In normal it's a good idea to, but you can still leg it across a street, take 3 or 4 bullets and just regen your health...
@ the goon dont really want to get into a war over this but last nights game meant **** on your team you had 8 people who you play with on a regs all on vent the other team had me and kearney, and no offense to the OUCK guys but they dont really get time to play bf, they even admitted that they suck. That round the screen shots posted was a camp fest where you camped us at A.

We had a level 3 guy driving our tank for godsake, and most our team was made up of level 3's, 7's and 9's you had a full team of level 20's or there about plus a couple of you was level 30's.

Just like Hardcore mode last nights games was great fun, they was far from balanced though.

Well done on your 9-5 last night game meant diddley squat, it was just a fun game where a few of us got to play with the people from this place.
The simple facts are Hardcore was an after thought and makes normal mode look extremely balanced.
Guess this argument could go on for ever, just play whatever mode makes you happy.
Its not about K/D its about people dismissing a game mode and the poeple who play it because in all likeliness they arnt very good at it.

It's easy to go into a hardcore server and camp with a sniper rifle and get 30 kills in a round, which is harder in normal mode because you actually have to aim for the head. Most likely in normal mode too, people will realize where you are after a few kills, so you have to constantly move, you can't sit in a bush the whole game, no-one any the wiser where you're sitting. In fact i find it easier to farm up my K/D ratio on hardcore than normal mode.

Example was on White pass, I camped in a building for half the game and raked up around 25 kills before anyone realized where I was and came up to kill me.

That's my only gripe with the game mode, if sniper rifles and shotguns were fixed to a normal damage (2 body shots, 1 head shot) I'd be on the hardcore games all the time, I just don't like the thought of rewarding kills to people for what isn't deserved.
Is there some sort of patch changelog that I can view? I've just launched the game up for the first time in 1-2 weeks and it's doing a huge update (so far about 200mb downloaded and the progress bar is only at about 30%!)
Personally i think the game has a place for both modes, ill continue to chop and change between the two as its pointless being restricted to only one but i will use different game play styles in each, hardcore being the one i play a more tactical game in, thinking about my next point of cover and how ill make it there without being seen etc, where as N/C ill go hel for leather with less regard for the consequences of me prancing about the battlefield looking for a victim; sometimes more fun but not always very satisfying.


I agree that the sniper rifles are pretty unbalanced but i dont find it a problem, as for shottys, havnt really had too many run ins with them, i find the medics heavy gun more of an issue. my highest K/D has come form a normal mode game, 19/3 i finished sniping. i think you need to have a balanced team in any of the modes to have a decent game, its just more apparant in h/c
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i am rubbish at both

conversation over

heres a question. seeing as i am not particularly good

anyone got any pointers for using helicopters? i tend not to use them as i dont like wasting them

the ocuk server is supposed to be recreational, none of us are really too competative as we work a lot

but its fun
i am rubbish at both

conversation over

heres a question. seeing as i am not particularly good

anyone got any pointers for using helicopters? i tend not to use them as i dont like wasting them

the ocuk server is supposed to be recreational, none of us are really too competative as we work a lot

but its fun

Just go into an empty server and practise :D

Remove negative mouse acceleration too, so you can fly them properly.

Missing the point, we were highlighting the fact that we play hardcore doesn't instantly make us players incapable of killing without spraying.

You got camped at A because we had taken then entire map? We could have just sat in spawn theoretically.

We were doing everything in jest, people need to get of their high horses and stop spitting their dummies out.

Don't forget, majority of us from TFU come from OcUK. There is no animosity, it was just intended as friendly banter but its obvious there is a lot here who it has being lost on.
The client server side of things is very hit and miss for me, i sometimes have very good games where things go my way, granted there few and far between, just last night i was on tfu server and head to head against thegoon, i put 3 shots from my pistol into him and then knifed him in the head, heard and seen all the hit regs my end and yet i stil died, that makes me rage, im glad the chat is disabled as i think the ten second respawn time gives time for you to calm down and recompose yourself

I assume thats just for console jockeys and not PC players
anyone got any pointers for using helicopters? i tend not to use them as i dont like wasting them

I was the same, but I'm slowly getting used to them.

First tip - don't bother if you're on the Russian side - it's just HDR overload. If I'm on the Russian side, I try and steal the American chopper rather than use our own.

Use WASD and the mouse, W and S are up and down, A and D are turn left and right. Use the mouse to bank L/R, and to control forward/backward motion. Try to use the mouse as little as you need in order to keep stability/movement.

When you're the pilot, aim for stability and safety more than kills - that's what the gunner is for. You'll do much better and get more kills by flying perpendicular to enemies, allowing your gunners to do all the fighting, than by trying to recover from nose dips after firing missiles.

Don't forget to wait for passengers before setting off.. the more gunners the merrier. If you get a Missile Lock sign, parachute out unless you think you can evade! Also, don't forget that you can land and repair if you find a quiet enough open space :)

That wasn't my point, my point was you cant use a game that most people took as fun last night as any proof which mode is the most skillfull to play.

Our team was made up of low rankers and people who barley get an hour a night to play, your team had people who spend upwards of 5 hours a day on bf, all on vent.

There was no communication on our team unless the ocuk workers was using there teamsspeak/vent. You had us camped yes as we had 2 people who can play against a team of at least 8 friends who play together every night. We was also a man down.

To be fair the odds was totally stacked against my team, not that we cared.
So you base camped a bunch of people who have barley played the game, whilst your team was made up of hardcore battlefield players. Its nothing to be proud of nor does it show normal mode sucks or that hardcore mode sucks.

O and when I said OCUK I meant the workers as thats what our team was made up of. I understand most of TFU or whatever you call yourself are from here.
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