*** Official Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Thread ***

Getting all 3 flags usually ends up with being counter-dominated in like 30 seconds because of the spawns, it happens all the time.

Another rage quit moment for me especially if I have spent most of the match going heavily negative to just get a sniff at B to capture it when we are up against a good team. That one player that takes the 3rd flag has destroyed all the effort we as a team put in to the game in one action.
LOL. You're hilarious honestly. I think you should just leave this thread as you clearly play no useful part in it.

And what useful part is it you play?

I added a lot of people to from ocuk to my friends list, and do you know how many of them I actually play with? Maybe 2 or 3... Thats due to reading half the posts in this thread.

You sit there openly talking about glitching, and hacking and spawn camping... All of the things that essentially ruin a good game. I'm not saying your the ony people that do it, there are thousands of people that do it, but you almost seem to be promoting it...

I myself use a sort of witching class, mainly for the abilty to get into a good position ASAP but the majority of time I use an assualt rifle for accuracy, which some what slows me down.

Think some mods should really get in here and tidy this thread up a bit...
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I like S&D but dnt really play it that much. I tend to find that on HC you just get everyone camping with a silenced sniper.

Also witch classes get called all the time and yes they are highly annoying but im sorry if you cant shoot someone whos just running with a knife then u deserve to get stabbed. And if he stabs you in the back then chances are you would have anyways
And what useful part is it you play?

I added a lot of people to from ocuk to my friends list, and do you know how many of them I actually play with? Maybe 2 or 3... Thats due to reading half the posts in this thread.

You sit there openly talking about glitching, and hacking and spawn camping... All of the things that essentially ruin a good game. I'm not saying your the ony people that do it, there are thousands of people that do it, but you almost seem to be promoting it...

Talking about the game rather than ranting about people not playing how i want them to.

I play with lots of them, and games are fun and enjoyable almost all the time. Dunno what your problem is.

I dont glitch or hack and dont talk about them. Also you've got yourself in a bit of a muddle. None
of us spawn camp, thats what the other teams we play against do ;)
Talking about the game rather than ranting about people not playing how i want them to.

I'm not telling you how to play, just saying that the way you play spoils it for others...

Dunno what your problem is.

The way people like you play.

None of us spawn camp, thats what the other teams we play against do ;)

Sorry prehaps I used the wrong words there, think oneshot put it the best.

This spawn trap thing is terrible aswell,its just basicly spawn raping,i just dont see the point playing when the other team has no chance winning. stop the spawn trapping.I was going for the other flag last night and was screamed at not to get it because we had them trapped in the spawn :/
On my first prestige i got over 1k magnum kills from commando tactical knifing, some of the lunges i made easily surpassed what is standard with commando and a normal weapon. Nevermind some of the ones i did with ump equipped which are probably better classed as teleports than lunges.
I'm not telling you how to play, just saying that the way you play spoils it for others...

The way people like you play.

And saying we shouldnt do it, hence telling us how to play. Ok maybe its not you, but its what the majority of you lot are saying.

Who says you have to play 'like us' to be in the same game. Plus if you did actually play with us rather than listening to the haters you'd see we play 'normally' most of the time.
like i said the witch class can be annoying and yes sometimes the knife range is ridiculous but then you could say sit rep pro is a major disadvantage because you can hear them from miles away, sit and wait for them to come and oh look, ive just shot them in the face with my gun. Same with scrambler pro. my claymore didnt kill him so wtf is the point in having it on. Im sorry but i could go on all day long about how the majority of the perks have an advantage to the person using them. Im sure thats why there are they for
Anyone else having problems connecting to peoples xbox live parties/private chat/joining games? Over the last few days I've had problems with my friend joining mine and joining his invites. The only way to be in the same game has been joining the session in progress, but that means I end up on the other team to my friend most of the time.
Anyone else having problems connecting to peoples xbox live parties/private chat/joining games? Over the last few days I've had problems with my friend joining mine and joining his invites. The only way to be in the same game has been joining the session in progress, but that means I end up on the other team to my friend most of the time.

Probably one of your nat types
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