*** Official Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Thread ***

Thats so not true. Fal kills in 2 bullets, acr clearly doesnt. Therefore spamming a fal is a very very easy way to get a kill because its very likely 2 out of the however many bullets will hit.

You using some sort of super FAL. 4 shots at least for me and your not always 100% certain to get them if their running across the map. A bit like the M21 with a silencer. ACR for me is a far better gun as it has no recoil what so ever and you can spray it but hey looking at the recent posts and the amount of arguments you have been in or started recently I am 99% certain that you will disagree and give me a page long reason to why only hackers use it ;)

I think its maybe your aim that isnt so good not that his is amazing ;) I have no trouble going on similar sprees with a spas-12 and hitting everyone first time.

The spas 12 is the weirdest gun ever. I can go a game where every shot is a one shot kill but then you will get a game where they sponge the bullet and they drop me in one bullet because of all the hacks in this game :p
You using some sort of super FAL. 4 shots at least for me and your not always 100% certain to get them if their running across the map. A bit like the M21 with a silencer. ACR for me is a far better gun as it has no recoil what so ever and you can spray it but hey looking at the recent posts and the amount of arguments you have been in or started recently I am 99% certain that you will disagree and give me a page long reason to why only hackers use it ;)

You, and most of the people in this thread are becoming a joke. Firstly its a discussion not an argument. Thats exactly what this thread is here for, to talk about the game. Not my problem half of your 'facts' are wrong.

Next, go test the fal. I tried it in private matches with a mate and it was always 2-3 bullet kills, if you can fire it quickly with reasonable aim (or have a rapid fire controller) it will beat an acr almost every time.

I'm not saying the acr is a bad gun at all, i know its not. But you said it was more powerful than the fal which is clearly rubbish.
You, and most of the people in this thread are becoming a joke. Firstly its a discussion not an argument. Thats exactly what this thread is here for, to talk about the game. Not my problem half of your 'facts' are wrong.

Next, go test the fal. I tried it in private matches with a mate and it was always 2-3 bullet kills, if you can fire it quickly with reasonable aim (or have a rapid fire controller) it will beat an acr almost every time.

I'm not saying the acr is a bad gun at all, i know its not. But you said it was more powerful than the fal which is clearly rubbish.

With or without Stopping Power?
You, and most of the people in this thread are becoming a joke. Firstly its a discussion not an argument. Thats exactly what this thread is here for, to talk about the game. Not my problem half of your 'facts' are wrong.

Next, go test the fal. I tried it in private matches with a mate and it was always 2-3 bullet kills, if you can fire it quickly with reasonable aim (or have a rapid fire controller) it will beat an acr almost every time.

I'm not saying the acr is a bad gun at all, i know its not. But you said it was more powerful than the fal which is clearly rubbish.


What have i done apart from say i think your wrong. Look at the work highlighted in red, THINK, I didn't say it wasnt but i said i think the ACR is a better gun because in my opinion it is more powerful. Look at what i put their, OPINION.

Im not sad enough to go into a private match and say excuse me please sir, may i test my fal against you to see how many bullets it takes to kill you.

Your the one becoming a joke. You come on say you had 10 unreal games where you went 56-10 etc etc then you have one bad game and their running hacks. Why didnt they use hacks in the previous games when you where "unstoppable".

I think someone is a sore looser and i think the majority of the people who have read the numerous posts of you complaining about them will also think that. Yes maybe if you posted it once then they might have thought about it been hacks but its the same old story over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Maybe you should just write a book and get it published about how many times you have encountered hacks. Im sure it'll be a top seller ;)

What have i done apart from say.....

Im not sad enough to go into a private match

Your the one becoming a joke. You come on say you had 10 unreal games where you went 56-10 etc etc then you have one bad game and their running hacks. Why didnt they use hacks in the previous games when you where "unstoppable".

I think someone is a sore looser and i think the majority of the people who have read the numerous posts of you complaining about them will also think that.

1, you never said 'think', see below.
2, i dont see how thats sad, its seeing how a gun works rather than stating things on a forum that are wrong and having no backup to it. I'd rather be right than talk complete bs half the time.
3, because the games where they are hacking are far more noticeable than when you are trashing everyone. And its the fact that not EVERY game has hacks in it. I dont see the problem here im not complaining about every game just the ones where people have an unfair advantage. And you've seen me play, you know its not bull when i say i get those scores.
4, i'm hardly a sore loser. I do well 9/10 games but the fact that the 10th game is ruined due to someone cheating is the problem. I'd have no reason to rant about it if a) i got **** scores all the time or b) it was just an off game.

Anyway you can carry on being oblivious to whats going on and what im trying to say, you clearly dont get it and just want to make a point of me being in the wrong when im not. It's all good this threads pretty dead when im not posting anyway :)

if you want to use a powerful gun that doesnt stop then why wouldn't you just use the acr. its more accurate and more powerful then the Fal.

Sorry i clearly was meant to interpret this as you thinking not as you stating something.
might have been mcluvin then rather than you.

Still with your mood recently its no surprise you have to disagree with me.

he just likes to disagree with everyone.

just had 9 unreal games. all above 50 kills less than 10 deaths. then these bloody hackers. cudnt get a kills so left :(
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FAL with stopping power or FMJ is one-shot-kill for a head shot, two shot kill anywhere else. If you use a holographic sight, its minimum damage increases as well, which guarantees a two shot kill from long range. Best AR in the game if you're quick enough with your digits. :)
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