*** Official Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Thread ***

Does anyone else not like hosting!? I know it should be the other way around but I hate having host advantage.. much rather smash up a match knowing that I don't have any advantage over the others. The trouble is it seems to give me host a lot of the time and I can't provide a decent latency to everyone!
Have they patched fuel yet on the ps3??

I believe it was done before release.

...after watching ELPRESADOR videos on youtube (he cracks me up rude and sweary though)

That's some pretty funny stuff I saw MW2 READING,VERSE 1,ELPRESADOR 3;16 on Overgrown and love the 'Master Evader' comment I going to have to start using that. I notice he does the melee instead of shooting at 4:50.

This guy has some pretty funny sweary commentaries too...less enthusiastically delivered.

Here's one of his comedy montages sans commentary.

EDIT: Whoops that has a sweary caption in it, but it was Cr1TiKaL's "Professional" Modern Warfare 2 Montage
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I tried a throwing knife the other night but no one was paying attention lol

il have to watch next time.

I have a new idea as well apart from tac knifing.

On TDM I think we should set up a OMA class with throwing knifes and just constantly throw them across the map haha.

Bound to get one random kill but will be epic
I really hope they don't gimp OMA too badly, apparently the fix is in final stages so I'm filling my boots at the moment :p
Bring up the score board right at the start of the game as soon as you can and if you're quick you can see the host has 4 green bars while everyone else is on a 1 bar connection for a second or two.
The only sure fire way delays your start into the match because you have to bring up the score board straight away to watch the bars. The host is on four to begin with the rest will pulse up fairly quickly or not depending on the host.

EDIT: Beat me too it.
Rage quitting while being on host is more fun :D

I did that earlier. Somebody ran past me and I shot him twice with the m16. He then turned around and killed me. So I rage quit and it turned out I was host. Why I didn't kill him is a mystery:confused:
On another note i've deleted the resurgence map pack as I really don't like any of the maps apart from trailer park.
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I did that earlier. Somebody ran past me and I shot him twice with the m16. He then turned around and killed me. So I rage quit and it turned out I was host. Why I didn't kill him is a mystery:confused:
On another not i've deleted the resurgence map pack as I really don't like any of the maps apart from trailer park.

Lag works both ways. Just because you are the host doesnt mean that everything you do will be to your advantage.

I can never understand why people rage quit? It is just a game at the end of the day and whether you win or lose to cheaters or better players it doesnt mean anything. It reminds me of when I was a kid and someone would take their football if they were losing or werent on the better team. :rolleyes:
If you power off as host I think you lose all the XP. I wish I could maintain a cool detachment, but I don't like getting mugged off.

Does anyone know if you can copy the maps onto multiple USB sticks? I have both on one, but I'd like to have two more with a pack on each.
I've gone back to the AA12 already. I love the spas when its good but I'm finding it so hit and miss (literally) with lag, but also with shooting people twice with it up close and getting the hit markers but it not dropping them. With the AA12 I just hold down the trigger till everyone is on the floor. Range is a little sucky but great for indoors.
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Yeah it certainly is a lag buster and quite useful in proing a number of perks in the confines of Skidrow around B on Domination.

I've gone off the SCAR now I've realised how bad it is at making longshots I had all the time in the world to lineup a headshot on a prone sniper looking away. I could see the recoil this time which didn't seem too bad judging from the ADS bullet marks left at mid distance. It's back to the TAR for me.
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Lag works both ways. Just because you are the host doesnt mean that everything you do will be to your advantage.

I can never understand why people rage quit? It is just a game at the end of the day and whether you win or lose to cheaters or better players it doesnt mean anything. It reminds me of when I was a kid and someone would take their football if they were losing or werent on the better team. :rolleyes:

I was playing last night against randoms and did well. The only deaths I had were of the same guy who pulled host I could not kill him no matter what I did, he had a massive host advantage, I even waited in a corner to test my theory and sure enough RPD with stopping power got a hit marker on him before he turned and killed me. I didn't rage quit as I could drop the rest of his team over and over but everytime I went up against him I had no chance. It was as if he had god mode engaged he was a decent player also which did not help at all.
I was playing last night against randoms and did well. The only deaths I had were of the same guy who pulled host I could not kill him no matter what I did, he had a massive host advantage, I even waited in a corner to test my theory and sure enough RPD with stopping power got a hit marker on him before he turned and killed me. I didn't rage quit as I could drop the rest of his team over and over but everytime I went up against him I had no chance. It was as if he had god mode engaged he was a decent player also which did not help at all.

Trying to knife him was a god damn effort aswell!
Really gets on my nerves this. Just then I knifed someone, full-on lunged at them and connected with a stabby stab, only for them to just shoot me to death. WTF? I watched the kill-cam and from his point of view, I didn't even swing my knife before he shot me.
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