*** Official Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Thread ***

Riddle me this, how can one get lag when one is host... ?

I was hosting and I shot a guy in the face only for me not to shoot him on the killcam!

Indeed, sometimes everyone has bad games but I don't think I've ever had 26 deaths, not even when I was rank 1.

Maybe you weren't host, I've had the full green bars at the start of the round and not had host before.
My highest kill streak is 8.I'm just not that good and i'm too impatient to stay in one place so just run around and die a lot.As such I just have my kill streaks set as UAV,care package,harrier.

I run around a lot (also impatient) and do ok.
Yeah I always use pavelow so my max kill streak hasn't gone above the 29 I had when I used pred, harrier, chopper ages ago.

Was that one one of your domination games Alrik? :p
Netcode is just shoddy, half the time I am round a corner on my screen but on their killcam I'm just moments before getting round.

It's pretty game breaking.

Net code is fine, it uses the standard FPS system. It's the matchmaking (dodgy hosts) and no dedicated servers that ruin things.

I believe the knife is meant to give you invulnerability during the auto aim/charge part as it happens on split screen play too.
I guess this is why allot people prefer DOM or TDM , because you just need to be lucky with a camp package or just camp.

Alrik camps in Dom, and flat out refuses to stop until his last killstreak reward gets activated. He then minces about the map until he dies and repeats :p
have a few games on cod4 if you still have it and see what you think.

I have, and got annoyed by the bunny hopping acog snipers using mice.

The perks killstreaks worked far better though, but I don't have ADD so I don't crave the screen exploding all the time and random deaths :p

It's only the group of lads I play with that keeps me interested anyway.

I thought you were absolutely in love with this game Gilly? All your previous posts seem to imply that you'd rodger it if you could :p
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It's the best game made, but games don't keep me going this long.

Except Champ Man that is, but I can't play that if I want any other aspect of life.

Ah, I'm the opposite. If I find a good game (like StarCraft or Street Fighter II HDR [not IV]) then that's all I'll play for years!
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