I dunno who else agrees with me, it would be nice to get some feedback from the Steam forums but they've been down for 24 hours for some reason :/
I am sorry to all COD fanboys but this game is truly awful. Graphics from 2006 (at best), awful cut scenes! The low res textures at the beginning (jeep section) has me laughing at how insane some people are over COD.
I will not be buying this! And for those who do, I lol at how easy a fool is parted from his money!
it takes a while then just click launch on what you installed and it will probably do the buildbot
Without the rpg spam and mortar strikes
Booo, if that's true, then I won't bother to install it when it finally arrives from the rainforest, and I'll just send it back for a refund. I was after more of the same that MW2 provided, but not mediocrity.
Perhaps I'll just get BF3.
iw5mp.exe has stopped working
Meh. Postie has been, no MW3
I've had one CTD so far but I get them with MW2 occasionally (rarely).
reminding me more of Black Ops than MW2.
Packets sometimes come in vans, there's still hope.
Ohh, well guess I'll wait it out. Going home at about 4pm so if it's not here by then, I won't be able to play until Saturday.