*****Official Crysis 3 Thread*****

Winnter, may I ask which motherboard you are using to get such a good overclock from your i5? I'm currently choosing parts for an upgrade but undecided on mobo. Sorry for off topicness of question. Cheers.

hi yes it's a ASRock Z77 Extreme4 Intel Z77 (Socket 1155) DDR3 Motherboard
The game runs great on my rig max settings apart from the game itself seems to crash a lot, Its happend twice now in the last hour :(

I`m on my second run through and not had the game crash. Got stuck twice the first time and once so far. Just could`nt move, so had to go back to the main menu and then resume play. The only thing I have a hard time with is finding enemies using the HUD, never seems to be anyone where the marker says, so stopped using it. All settings on high and average 60fps, playing at 1920x1080.
Thanks for the info ;) I won't be getting this till it's about £5.

Wish the hell I had waited now. This will be the last game I buy on release, just don`t think it`s worth paying more than a tenner for some of the games they put out for Single Player.
some of you need to open fraps and stop making up fps numbers and my game runs "great" stuff. this game has performance issues and even 680 sli dips to 20fps quite often.
Wish the hell I had waited now. This will be the last game I buy on release, just don`t think it`s worth paying more than a tenner for some of the games they put out for Single Player.

I only just found out(doh me)that it won't run on my GTX 295 :D
But I still won't pay more then £5 for it.
This is killing my machine!

I7 3770k, GTX 690 16gb Ram running 2560x1440 had to turn the AA down with very high settings on.

at work i have a i7 2600k 16gb ram Geforce 580 running 1920x1080 and with very high settings and 1x TXaa or whatever it is i get 20 FPS!

thats with the new drivers.
got a machine here with a stock 670 in it going to try that.

Got an i5 760@4ghz, 8gb ram, GTX670. If I get my Origin key today I will be downloading later and testing

Not expecting anything like Cryis 1 but am interested in the new sandbox and what mods come out in future
Gotta ask why do few of you seem so bothered if its short? Surely you'd rather have a short quality game than lets say 15 hour one were to just want to get to the end due to bordem
At 2560x1440 max settings this brings my 7950 @ 1100/1600 to it's knees. The frames rate drops pretty bad at some points well under playable levels. It's no better looking than Crysis 2 with high res textures and DX11 update in my opinion which runs considerably better than this.
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It looks pretty damn good compared to Crysis 2 launch especially although something just seems to be killing fps...i know AA is one and probably shadows but post processing sometimes does a lot in games like FC 3 for example.(you guys got it on low in Crysis 3?)

I think when i turned very high shadows to high i gained about 10fps.
Well iv seemed to of fixed my crashing issue by doing a repair..

I have everything maxed out with 4xMSAA and its as soomth as using the latest beta drivers with just 1 card runing.

I play at 1080p by the way
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