*****Official Crysis 3 Thread*****

Just tried it with my 7970 @ 1200/1600 latest beta drivers and it's just the same. Dropping to 1080p makes quite a difference.

Will await my Titans I think before playing this.
Sad that you have to spend "X"K GBP to properly enjoy a game man. Will be worth it in the end tho!
It's just more poorly optimised tat as usual. Hopefully when the new consoles launch we will see some decent looking better optimised games.
Crysis is still a better looking game in my opinion.

Crysis 3 just follows the trend of shovelling as much eye candy filler into a confined space as possible for the sacrifice of freedom. Crysis had a rich world to explore.

5/10 game for me it's just more of the same seen it all before but this time with grass.
I think it's time PC gamers stopped ''pre-purchasing'' their games, giving these companies tons of cash before the product is released only to find it wasn't worth the initial outlay.

Be prudent and wait a month or two then grab it for at least half the price!! ;)
in multiplayer playing crash site my fps drops in the crash site, on a 7950, i usually get 70-80 fps with everything on high though. im using 13.1, is it worth it to upgrade to the 13.2 beta driverS?
Crysis is still a better looking game in my opinion.

Crysis 3 just follows the trend of shovelling as much eye candy filler into a confined space as possible for the sacrifice of freedom. Crysis had a rich world to explore.

5/10 game for me it's just more of the same seen it all before but this time with grass.

Someone wil hopefully make a nice big level in the new engine :)
Around 7 or so hours is about standard for games these days and has been for quite a while, yet its somehow "shocking" its that long? I also have to question people saying crysis looks better, crysis only looks better with assloads of mods installed at best, and even then the faces on characters are lacking quite a bit compared to Crysis 3. Standard vanilla, Crysis 3 is head and shoulders above Crysis.

Don't forget that out of the box crysis didnt look anywhere near as good as some of the promo videos showed (dx9/10 jungle fight ring any bells)?

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Well, Ive played this for around an hour so far on single player. I'm running a GTX 680 with a 2500K @ 4.8Ghz, and I cannot run it above medium with no AA as it is way to jerky.

I'm running at 2560 x 1440 though.
Well, Ive played this for around an hour so far on single player. I'm running a GTX 680 with a 2500K @ 4.8Ghz, and I cannot run it above medium with no AA as it is way to jerky.

I'm running at 2560 x 1440 though.

Same for me with a 7950. I have knocked it down to 1080p to keep the eye candy level up.
Hunter mode in mp is laughably bad, half the time its the hunters who end up getting hunted because of the proximity alarm and speed of movement. In a couple of maps the cell soldiers can simply hole themselves up in an area and because of the proximity alarm its near imposible to get anywhere near them. Good idea for a mode but flawed badly.
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Really enjoyed the beta and was going to buy it today but after wasting £33 on Aliens: CM (I even bought the season pass :() I really don't want to get burnt twice in the space of about week!

So honestly, if I enjoyed the Beta is it worth buying now or waiting for a price drop?
Using an autoexec.cfg file which tweaks stuff you cannot really see but impacts peformance. Put everything on Very high, 1920x1080 and SMAA Medium (2x I think?), Blur off, Lens Flare on, Post on.

~70-80 FPs average. Nice and smooth, looks absolutely stunning.
Using an autoexec.cfg file which tweaks stuff you cannot really see but impacts peformance. Put everything on Very high, 1920x1080 and SMAA Medium (2x I think?), Blur off, Lens Flare on, Post on.

~70-80 FPs average. Nice and smooth, looks absolutely stunning.

Is there a link to the autoexec.cfg ?

I cannot get anywhere near 60 fps constant with crossfire 79xx let alone 70-80...
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