*****Official Crysis 3 Thread*****

Played for a couple hours and wow, great looking game, first scene nearly killed my pc though lol got 25 fps in that but generally i get 30 -60 fps on med/high settings.
Doing some testing with a friend.

Both have GTX680s, both have identical autoexec.cfg, both have identical ingame settings. Identical nVidia driver settings.

I run 1920x1080, he runs 1920x1200.

We stand in the same location and stand looking at the same pixel.

I get 85 FPS, he gets 130FPS.......bonkers!


I'm on Windows 8 with the 314.09 drivers. i7 2600k @ 4.5GHz
His on Windows 7 with 314.07 drivers. i7 920 @ 4GHz

Not sure either of them can account for a difference of 45FPS.

Edit - Rolling back to 314.07 to see.

Edit 2 - Same FPS on 314.07 as 314.09.
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Bought for £25 on discountcdkeys, got key straight away (10 mins ish) then downloaded in 30 mins flat from Origin :)

Got most settings on very high at the moment, apart from shaders and shadows on high with motion blur disabled. Game looks utterly stunning and is running pretty well on my 3 year old video card :p
Could i even squeeze 30fps with a xfx 6950 2gb at 1920x1080?
8gb of 1333 or 1600 ram and i5 2500k overclocked to 4.4ghz
I managed to have a few hours on this today and very impressed, It runs well on a 680 @1200P.

Not sure about the "hacking" turrets etc, easier to use a nade :D unless you get some peace and quiet.

Excellent gameplay compared to previous Crysisis, well done Crytek :)
I am now glad I got a 7970 on Overclockers big opening day, runs very well and looks simply stunning, only 10mins in, but enjoying it (worth £25, but nothing is worth £40).
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