*****Official Crysis 3 Thread*****

Took me just under 7 hours to complete the game on the hardest difficulty. Loved every minute of it.
Is it short.. yes, but its none stop quality that you would expect from Crytek.

I maxed the game out with AA set to off.. and it is beautiful.. can't wait to try it again with more RAM and two graphics cards.
Mine keeps crashing, it runs very smooth at the beginning out in the rain. Then i get inside and within 2-5 mins it crashes. Guess ill wait to its patched or a newer nvidia driver comes out.

i5 [email protected]
8gb ram

Which driver are you on? I'm on 314.07

Are the 670s overclocked? I could be the crashing due to overclock on cpu / gpu(s) My rig is fully stable with benchmarks but this took it out (had to drop memory overclock on gpu from +450 to +400)
Managed to get past the part I got stuck at due to a bug (the shot sniper and towers bit), playing on the hardest difficulty and its fairly challenging. Pretty much have to play stealthily using bow as you can be taken down in a few direct hits.
I downloaded the geforce experience thing and used the recommended settings.

It set my shadows to medium and something else to high.

Not what i was expecting after having forked out for a GTX 690 but it is running very smoothly now and looks amazing @ 2560x1440.
The more I play this the better it gets. Multiplayer is fantastic

Detail is incredible in parts. I really hope someone makes some tropical island type levels for some jungle warfare

some screens of multiplayer







Ok now that I have got further in, I am more impressed by the graphics, mainly the lighting and foliage though.

Game is definitely a lot better than crysis 2, so much more room to move around and the bow just makes this game even better :cool:

Is there any cheat/trainer which can give you unlimited arrows (or at least allow you to carry more?) as unfortunately there isn't enough and for some reason the arrows will disappear sometimes meaning you can't pick them up again.
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So I went to my local game store and traded in all the COD games I own on the 360 and just had enough to purchase this game. I was however confident that my system could handle this game on high settings. Well, how wrong was I. I have it down on low just to get decent frame rates. But by all means it still looks wonderful on low settings.

Really struggling to hold myself back from another 670.
Playing in 2560 x 1440 and averaging 30fps which is easily playable (IMO of course) 1080p runs much better (~45fps) but looks rubbish in comparison. This is with all settings maxed, 16xAF, no motion blue, no AA.

Here's a few screenshots, importantly showing my fps and a 1440p vs 1080p comparison

i5 760@4ghz, 8gb ram, EVGA GTX670@1189 / 3400


:eek: I never knew 1080p would look so bad compared to 1440p :eek:

OK that it am off to order a 4k monitor & four GTX Titans now...:p
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just did a fraps benchmark i am on the Dam Level at present.


Min FPS: 49
Max FPS: 62
Avg FPS: 58.492

drops massively if i set shadows to high
Good and stunning game, playing it at max detail with SMAA (2nd option) on a 20" 1600x900 monitor and a 660 OC, with 30 as min FPS and 45 as max.

Edit: I like the fact they added a variety of AA options, just choose the best one for smoothing the edges and performance and also turn v-sync off, i found it caused a performance hit.
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So I went to my local game store and traded in all the COD games I own on the 360 and just had enough to purchase this game. I was however confident that my system could handle this game on high settings. Well, how wrong was I. I have it down on low just to get decent frame rates. But by all means it still looks wonderful on low settings.

Really struggling to hold myself back from another 670.

Put everything on very high apart from shadows and shader, put those on high. use SMAAx1 (it's all you need really). Runs smooth as here.
I just booted it up with 6x2gb 6950s an i5 2500k and 8gb ram, had it all up very high except aliasing! Thought it ran great.. On the traing bit! As soon as i got to the actual game it tanked lol :( i guess a driver update may be required? Im on 13.1 atm

Also i guess ill have to lower more settings too :(
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