Official Crysis Demo thread

I think the cpu only comes into play when things are moving about like when you blow a base up I bet a quad core helps a lot more over dual or single in those situations.

I am having great performance on my single core opteron though (8800gts). :)

even the mobile athlon xp @2.4ghz system i have with x1950pro runs the game good with shaders set to low, shadows set to low, water at medium and everything else at high, even physics at high at a rez of 1360x768.

there is deffo no cpu limitation on this game, its all about the gpu for crysis.
I think the demo is gpu limited because is BADLY programmed, eg. UT3 demo gives constant 60fps at max detail/resolution/20 bots shooting each other probably because all 4 cores hover around 80% & you cant say the graphics in UT3 are a cake walk.
ut3 looks no where near as good as crysis.
for that quality of the graphics crysis provides id say its amazingly well optimised. runs far better than stuff like lost planet, rainbow 6 vegas, etc.
How is it on the spot on gamespot they manage to get silky smooth fps on vista high using dual core cpu, 8800GT and 2 gigs ram ?

People keep saying that the demo is as close as possible to the final build of the game as possible,but the not even the demo runs tht smooth,

Can we expect a difference in fps between the demo and the final game or has gamespot just edited the gameplay video and smoothed it out to make us believe that some miracle has happened ?
i don;t get it why people think the game is cpu limited just because it does not use more than 1 core. if the game was cpu limited it would be constantly maxxed at 100% cpu usage. only then can someone say there is cpu limitation.

the reason the game does not max out the cpu usage is because it does not need the cpu power since the gpu is the main bottleneck.

you can test this by sticking the game to its lowest rez, and lowest ingame settings, leave physics on high, and then play the game and see the cpu usage. then increase the gfx settings and rez and you will see the cpu usage drop and the gpu limitation kick in.
Its funny looking through this thread as people with a singlecore/ati1900 etc are happy with the performance at medium & people with quadcores/8800 are moaning.
I think medium looks worse than Farcry at medium.

If this game is so GPU limited then why has the 360 got 3 cores & PS3 got 8 cores? Is this so their games can have crap graphics but lots of things moving around? I think not.

Crytek need to say if the demo is poorly coded or we're all just fracked until the graphics card after the 9800!
Well since Cevat has said that you will notice nice increases when going from single to multi...the demo just can't be optimized for multi cpus.
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i just ran the demo on my system, rez of 800x600 shaders to medium, post processing medium, shadows medium, water medium, everything else to high.

the game does use dual core. as i start walking around the cpu usage drops down.
and if i crank up the resolution to 1024x768 cpu usage takes a nosedive.

the demo deffo makes use of multi cores.
Well since Cevat has said that you will notice nice increases when going from single to multi...the demo just can't be optimized for multi cpus.

The demo is not the final game representation that is why.

Why won't people see this?

Gamespot proved that the demo is a bunch of poppycock because they played the final game on a c2d with 2gb ram and 8800gt and that system ate the game alive on a large lcd display.

i just ran the demo on my system, rez of 800x600 shaders to medium, post processing medium, shadows medium, water medium, everything else to high.

the game does use dual core. as i start walking around the cpu usage drops down.
and if i crank up the resolution to 1024x768 cpu usage takes a nosedive.

the demo deffo makes use of multi cores.

800x600 is a cpu scaled resolution, any modern game will show the same results so I fail to see the point here! below 1280x1024 cpu speed matters more over anything else, above this GPU matters more.

The best is where it's all balanced out nicely as it appears to be in the full game.
I finally got around to playing the demo yesterday. To be honest, I wasn't expecting much but I really enjoyed it.

The graphics of this game absolutely blow me away, and this isn't even full graphics. My settings were at 1280x1024, no AA and all high setting apart from shadows, texture quality and objects quality, which were all medium. Walking through dense forest is truly amazing with lots of vegetation and amazing lighting effects. Floor textures look almost lifelike and the water is brilliant with some nice effects like bits of sea foam near the edge of rocks. Going for a swim in a game has never looked so nice!

The gameplay was really good and can be quite varied depending on what tactics and nano suit setting you decide to use.

The AI were pretty annoying, they seemed fairly dumb but with sometimes amazing senses. Like, for example, a boat that spotted me on one side of the map seemed to have super sight because even when I traveled to the other side of the map he knew exactly what bush I was hiding in from a mile away!

I was getting a steady 30-35fps on my system which consists of an C2D E6600, 8800GTS 320MB and 2GB RAM.

Overall I am very happy with Crysis and can't wait to get my hands on it.
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If at low resolution the CPU is more important then why at 1360x768 (30% <1280x1024) do I get 10% CPU time & 10FPS?
I've noticed the 4 cores doing something in-game (1 more than others).

I guess what a lot of people want to know is if their 8800 can play the full release at very high settings?
If at low resolution the CPU is more important then why at 1360x768 (30% <1280x1024) do I get 10% CPU time & 10FPS?
I've noticed the 4 cores doing something in-game (1 more than others).

I guess what a lot of people want to know is if their 8800 can play the full release at very high settings?

what operating system are you using? im using vista64bit and i think thats what may be eating up the extra cpu cycles for me.
I have to admit the performance is much better than I expected on my 7800gtx. I am running it at 1280x1024. With all settings on high I get around 20-25fps with it occasionally dropping very low during action. Did the very high hack and it goes to about 15-20 fps. Not great fps but much better than my old 6600gt managed far cry.

I still need an upgrade mind, by tweeaking some setting to medium and some to high I can get the game to just about run and still look good.

Its strange I would expect that all the 8 series gpu to perform much better, but I think the if i tried running at 1900x1600 my system would just die.
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