Official Crysis Demo thread

What are the chances that they gave us the wrong demo?

A very early build with crap A.I. and an editor that gives all the weapons and vehicles.

Don't forget that it isn't CPU-limited and optimised for multiple cores like that nice, nice man Mr Cevat said it would!!

/face slightly sarcastic but hopeful & giving a friendly wink/
Ive just finished playing it through with the DX10 features on DX9 crack thingy. God! It looks even more fantastic now! I have all settings on high apart from object detail and texture detail which are on medium and it plays very well.

The extra features really add to the experiance. The water looks immense with the waves and the rainblow effect, the light rays through the trees and buildings are staggering and there are now flies buzzing about around rubbish and that. Also, near the start where that landing flare is, I noticed sparks coming off it which I don't think happed before the DX10 features patch.

I really hope I can do this crack with the real game because it makes a shed load of difference.
Robbie this is not the place to post your unpleasant views about our East Asian brothers.

We may not all approve of Kim Jong-il's Stalinist dictatorship or Korea's craving for dachshund-burger but to call them stupid is just not on.

Get a grip on real life, its a video game.

Do the Germans cry when we have games making them out to all be evil likes RTCW etc.

This country if a joke these days due to political correctness.
Great game.

I have it running on 1280 x 768, 2xAA, evertything on high and I'm averaging 30 fps I reckon (havn't checked yet).

My spec is 2.66ghz, 8800 GTS 640MB, 2GB of RAM all on Vista 32-bit.

Considering that there are very few machines on the market today that can manage this game maxed out, I'm pretty happy with what my machine can do. Most importantly, the gfx are more than adequate to get the best out of the game. Gameplay really is pretty great imo.
Well, I have played thru the single player demo a few times and loved it.

I am thinking of getting an upgraded GPU rather than the 8800 GTS I have at the moment, but will probably wait until the new NV cards come out truthfully :)

Loved every minute of the demo though.
Why do people keep saying the game doesn't support multi-core?

Run the CPU benchmark with task manager open and watch... it uses all 4 cores!

You'll never get 100% usage across all cores, but it definately makes use of them all. Compare it to a single threaded game which CPU usage reads 25% (100 on one core and 0 on the others) - the demo is setup for multicore.
forgive me for my noobyness, but if crysis (retail version) 'did' support SLI, surely people with dual GTXs (or maybe even GTs) should be able to run it on V.High at a decent res and framerate?

cos if one GTX can run it on very high on 1280 at like 15/20frames, surely having another one in SLI could give a combined 30/40 fps??

or am i being stooopid lol ;)
Anyone running the crysis demo @1920x1200 everything on high no aa with a single 8800GTX please post your fps ?
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