I found that the CCC High didn't give me the sunlight beams or motion blur.
I found that the CCC High didn't give me the sunlight beams or motion blur.
I found that the CCC High didn't give me the sunlight beams or motion blur.
just tried the demo...admitedly I haven't read through the 2600+ replies in this thread but am I the only one who is totally underwhelmed by crysis?
I was expecting something totally awesome and playing it it just feels incredibly average?
The gun fire is like an arcade game, no precision whatsoever, none of the kind of oomph that you'd get from say counterstrike 1.6 with an mp5. AI is rubbish even on highest setting and visuals are no where near as good as they were made out to be.
I disagree almost completely, I think it's a brilliant game however it does have its flaws.
Not least of these is the fact it can often take upwards of 10 hits to kill an enemy (numerous times I have shot the hat off of their head without so much as injuring them). Another bad point is the AI, it's certainly not the best I have seen; often they can be standing 20-30 feet away and looking right at you but won't notice anything, even when shot at.
1. Have either a *LOW* *MED* or *HIGH* version of my config installed.