The enemy AI is really fantastic, one of them spotted something moving and came to investigate, I could hear something clinking, might have been something on his uniform or gun and he slowly creeped around the rock where I was hiding. Unfortunetly for him I heard him and shot him in the head. Might not be the best example, still, was impressed with that.
Just downloading those drivers to see if they make much of a difference. The game itself is smoother when in the 20s, it's only when combat is going on you notice it.
Total size: 1.78 gigabyte
Added: 2 minutes ago
Share ratio: Perfect 1 seeds, 0 leechers
Last updated: 2 minutes ago
Downloads: 2,088
The enemy AI is really fantastic, one of them spotted something moving and came to investigate, I could hear something clinking, might have been something on his uniform or gun and he slowly creeped around the rock where I was hiding. Unfortunetly for him I heard him and shot him in the head. Might not be the best example, still, was impressed with that.
Just downloading those drivers to see if they make much of a difference. The game itself is smoother when in the 20s, it's only when combat is going on you notice it.
wow it is fast, must be fake tbh but worth a try I guess
peerguardian is not blocking it, so not an offical fake I guess
Ok just a quick update, the fps has improved 5-6fps but most importantly the fps stays at around the same level EVEN during combat, whereas before it would slow down.
Will do some more testing.
where is the torrent
wow it is fast, must be fake tbh but worth a try I guess
peerguardian is not blocking it, so not an offical fake I guess
i take it no one has the full thing in that torrent because im downloading it and theres only about 0.25 of the whole 1.78gb available, i downloaded the only available 40mb at 790kb/s and now its stopped dead lol