My game crashes after the opening cutscene. Says omething about the Koreans getting more than they bargained etc. and screen goes blank.
Apple should just take MS out of their Misery. I am not going pc ever again. Also looks like the graphics arent as good as promised and the performance requirements are much higher than Crytek boasted.
MS and co. further take pc gaming down the *******.
so you're buying a pc, for massively more expensive, for an OS that most games won't come out on, thats your solution? as for apple taking ms out of their misery, at a guess, the market is scewed in the about 999 pc's for every apple sold taking into account servers. taking just home computers probably 997 pc's for every apple.
if it doesn't run well on high for you, turn something down. people are so cut and dry, all high or all medium. its often overly used effects, or overly costly, in terms of power, effects that kill performance. turning down maybe, forgotten all the options already, say post processing to medium instead of high might yeild an almost identical picture quality wise, for much better performance.
its the first few hours really of the demo being out, people will mess about and work out which settings give best performance boost for least IQ drop. i'll go back to fear as an example again, soft shadows LOOKED CRAP, but killed performance. not every effect is great. hellgate's extreme texture setting is gonna use the distance focus effect so everything in the distance gets more blurred, but no one wants to play with it looking like that.
if medium settings look better than basically any other game on max settings, then who cares. frankly i think its easily the best looking game around, easily.