Official Crysis Demo thread

Play it on high settings, fps isnt everything in fact this game seems more like MGS then CSS to me so frame rate is not so important.
Also do it on delta difficulty and take your time

Frame rate is not so important?
Frame rate is important in -every game-.

Ofcourse I'm talking if you're getting sub 24-30's then you start to notice, well to be frank you can notice up to about 60 or so but playability isn't really hindered.
What a surprise. They said this game would be better optimised than most other new games, yet it runs at less than quarter of the framerate. Crank it up to very high settings and I get ~5 FPS. Looks like they're in league with some graphics card manufacturers in order to force us to buy the next gen, AGAIN!

I won't be buying Crysis unless there are MAJOR improvements for the final release. And I mean MAJOR ones.
Oh BTW, on Vista can anyone tell me where it creates the shortcut files to the game after install? I had to manually drag the shortcuts from program files to a folder I created in the start menu called "games"

I must have deleted the original games folder and cannot remember what it used to be called!
Dx10 lighting and shadows + textures are definitely apparent. I strongly recommend messing around with the contrast brightness and gamma settings really brings the forest areas of the game to life.

Dx10 High


Fiddled gamma, brightness contrast:
Wow! 600KB/sec on Gamershell! The fastest download I've ever seen! That's only allowing 1 part out of 5 through the DownThemAll plug-in for Firefox too! I have an 8Mbps Pipex connection but usually connect at about 6.8Mbps.
Anyone else noticed that the dx9 performance in vista is woeful? Im getting a better framerate using dx10 mode. :eek:

I've seen a report from a user that it seems to be running in software mode if you have a dx9 card in Vista or a dx10 card in XP.

I imagine a small patch ought to be able to sort that out if it's the case.

Andrew McP... waiting impatiently for the public release
I've seen a report from a user that it seems to be running in software mode if you have a dx9 card in Vista or a dx10 card in XP.

I imagine a small patch ought to be able to sort that out if it's the case.

Andrew McP... waiting impatiently for the public release

Public release? It was released last night.

There is also an EA link which i dloaded off in this thread further back.
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