Official Crysis Demo thread

how do i play it without watching 10 minutes of rubbish at the start? just remove the video files from localised folder?

first try it looked quite nice in medium 1024x768 and played at around 35fps. (dark outside)
Same here man, i miss my CRT for the sheer non graininess.

No chance of this game looking exceptional on a lcd, and not on any current top end card.. :( well as soon as slim monitors as good as a CRT are released i am getting one of those, who know how long that might be though.

i have a tft and its not in the slightest bit grainy...the pic looks amazing and far better than any crt ive owned.
For those who pre-ordered it via EA, have you managed to preload it?
Im guessing thats the equivalent of Steam, whereby you can download a game, and when its released you unlock it.
I cant find where you download the game! Id rather do it now as im assuming its gonna be pretty big!
Where are you lot downloading this from? Not found anything quicker then 50kbps.

Is it on newsgroups yet?

EDIT found it on newsgroups, coming in at 5meg now.
well on a 2.3 A64 with a 1950xt at stock clocks I get mid 20's while running about in the forest sections :(

everything on medium @ 1152x864

looking at other guys results though think I better wait till next gen+1 to upgrade to a card that can show this game to its fullest :p
few bugs I've noticed. If you check out the sky around the beach area you'll see some puffs of smoke in the skybox. Shooting down a tree in shadow seems to make the tree suddenly go sort of bright when it breaks, just like the shadow effects suddenly disappear from it. Last one I noticed was the really low skybox, if you grab an enemy point up and throw him, you'll probably see his gun disappear when it reaches a certain height then reappear when it gets lower again.
Right, im rather dissapointed tbh.

I sit through all of the rubbish at the start, and finally when i start play (Jump out of plane, i think, cant tell because...) the graphics are just COMPLETELY messed up.

I cant see my arms, just my hands and theres artifacts everywhere??

No other game do this, ive been playing Ep2 and CSS all morning.

I just feel... BOOOOO!
Ah well, decided to install the new "Crysis" beta NVIDIA drivers.

That's improved things.
Much more playable, everything on medium, except Physics on high, rig in sig.

Still want to get an 8800GT to improve it a bit though, even if it means running at same settings, but get a faster framerate :)

Ok how do you set the screen res to 1680 x 1050 :confused:

bah, i can't even play at my monitor's native res. 1440x900 is murdering my x1950pro on medium. i refuse to go below that. :p it runs ok @ 1024x768 but on a tft it looks terrible. :(

i think i'll be giving this a miss. :)
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