Official Crysis Demo thread

the game is pretty playable with all settings on high using a 8800gts(1680*1050) in xp...with shadows on medium and the rest on high it feels as though its running at 40-50fps(even though its not)...its pretty good even with the low fps the game is very playable.

had lots of fun..played it and been replaying it...for about 4 hours...its farcry all over again with better physics/graphics and a fun suit. deffo will be buying this one
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[email protected]
2GB PC6400 4-4-4-15 1T
8800GTX (2 in SLI)
Vista 32bit with latest beta drivers for demo
Running everything at Very High @ 1920x1200
10Min fps 15max fps.

turning down some of the shaders helps, going to play with it a bit to find a nice setting.

Tells us all that SLI is poor?

you have a quad core and 8800gtx's and even that struggles.. crytek is full of crap, honestly wtf are they doing? they will partner up with Nvidia next and get ppl to buy the newest gfx card
Is the demo actually performing worse than the beta? I haven't read all of this thread, but you 8800gts boys seem to be running it worse than I ran the beta on high with a X1900 XT.
i dont know if this happens to any of you but it happens to me in beta mp also. when in a close fire fight on full auto and doing short bursts its like i get trigger lag, meaning im doing short bursts and next thing you know the gun stops firing and i have to pull the trigger(hit mouse key again)

does it happen to any of you guys
well thats the most computer intensive game ive played in a while, have to play at half settings medium half on high to get a stable constant playable fps (thats on e6600, 4gb ram, 8800gts) 4xaa included
The editor is pretty amazing, the amount of options just for setting the lighting etc is phenominal. Also, it's fun to slap a tank in the middle of the level and blow stuff up.

Have a go at changing the time of day, its amazing watching the sun go up and down and all the lighting changing near real time.
The editor is pretty amazing, the amount of options just for setting the lighting etc is phenominal. Also, it's fun to slap a tank in the middle of the level and blow stuff up.

Have a go at changing the time of day, its amazing watching the sun go up and down and all the lighting changing near real time.

Just been having a play around with the sandbox editor, amazing editor, its very very easy to use, excellent, smooth, i love how you can just jump straight into the game at that point and see how it plays.

Finally a program/game that uses the power of my vista x64 bits :)
Ran ok for me on rig in sig average 27FPS at 1280X1024 everything medium except shadows and no AA.

Was very playable and still decent graphics. Turning shadows to low makes a big difference to FPS.

Gameplay is amazing i dunno how any of you can say its a flop.
Well fantastic Graphics as expected after Far Cry, But spoilt IMO by the automatic Player Health which enables You to run in shooting from the hip...then hide for a few seconds and repeat..pity
Im wondering how much more they can tweak the performance, the game does look good but imo not THAT good that quads with 8800 gtx\ultras are struggling to get 25fps at very high settings.
I am unable to get it working properly. Game seems to be running but I can't really see anything. Everything is very dark with the odd flash of white. I didn't expect to run it on anything but low-med but hoped it would work. Any ideas?

Opty 170 @ 3Ghz
1 GB Ram
WIndows XP.

It looks as if it might be a driver issue but I have just installed the new ones.
Right, im rather dissapointed tbh.

I sit through all of the rubbish at the start, and finally when i start play (Jump out of plane, i think, cant tell because...) the graphics are just COMPLETELY messed up.

I cant see my arms, just my hands and theres artifacts everywhere??

No other game do this, ive been playing Ep2 and CSS all morning.

I just feel... BOOOOO!

I had the same problem. Have you tried the beta drivers in this thread here? Thats if you have a Nvidia card of course, the drivers worked for me.:cool:
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