Official Crysis Demo thread

Enjoyed the storyline, cutscenes, cinematics etc.

Bad points;

1) On very high I was getting about 20-30fps, pity about that but nevermind its to be expected.

2) AI is dumb, sometimes they just stand there looking around.

3) The guns seem really underpowered. Its either headshot = kill or 25 bullets to the chest = kill.
Yeh, guns do seem a little weak.
Try adding a sniper/assault rifle scope with the editor to the begininning of the game though. Changes everything massively.
I think I've found a sweet spot for graphics and performance with a system of 2.54ghz Core 2 Duo, 8800GTS 320mb at stock clocks and 4096mb memory. Open the game in DX9 mode, with all graphics set to High at a resolution of 1280x768. It doesn't look bad at all, and runs at 40fps dipping to 30fps in fights. For some reason, DX10 mode is extremely slow for me.
I've not had a problem with the demo, ran it, set everything to high and res. to 1680x1050, there were a few parts where the frame rate dropped but other than that it seemed very smooth. Most impressed with it, especially being able to mow down trees, which wasn't so good when I was using them for cover admittedly.
i am rather pleased with the performance on rig in sig:

1680x1050 all settings on high and very playable frame rates, prob 35 - AA of course ;)

they have toned down the motion blur effect since the beta which is great, looks real good now

impressive so far. gameplay is a bit "predictable"...and yes the weapons aren't great. i think its the silencer tho hehe
This may be a silly question, but is it better to run at a higher res (1920x1200) at lower quality settings, or a lower res at higher settings?
Im guessing the first option.
Right just finished the demo. I quite enjoyed it, although it was quite slow on my system. Had everything on medium and had a lot of mouse slow down. Playing at 1440 x 900 aswell.

6300 @ 2.9Ghz
8800GTS 320mb
4GB OCZ ram

Quite disapointed with how slow it ran at medium tbh. Hoping its a demo thing, but probably not :(
Wow. What a superb demo, Enjoyed every second of it, Even ran quite nicely on medium with a 7800GT, But that will be replaced by the time the game actually comes out anyway :)
No sound on my Hercules Fortissimo 3 card, which sucks as it's fine in all else (I'm ignoring the same issue in Hellgate...)

<stompsfoot>I don' wanna upgrade</stompsfoot>
I have to admit I'm shocked. I've got a 2.8 gig P4, 1gb Ram and a Radeon 9700 pro, which is below the minimum requirements. Crysis is actually playable!! obviously everything set to low but it actually works haha, what an awesome game!! def need to upgrade before I buy it tho!
I'm sure lots of people will be releasing fun maps to play about with, I can't wait to get in to it. Few vehicles to play about with too, the helicopter is fun to strafe along the beaches in. Also, putting huge tornados and massive gale force winds is great to watch too. :D

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I need a new pc pmsl.
Detected Optimal settings as medium at 1024.
Upped all the settings to high on 1024.. still playable.
Upped res to 1280x1024.. a little stuttery.
Upped res to 1600x1200 and its virtually unplayable.

All without AA :o

Just gotta wait till feb for a new build tho :D

My specs are as follows -

Opty170 @ 2.5Ghz
2Gb Crucial Ballistix @ DDR500
256Mb 7900GS.

Quite happy.. looking to upgrade to Quad in Feb with 4GB Mem and a min of a 8800GT/GTS.

Only really wanna play it @ 1600x1200 with majority on High.. judgin by my experiences it should be possible.
I've only just started and it feels great to play IMO.

I run it at 1680X1050 with 8XQ and everything on high and its fine.

E63 at 2.8
640GTS stock
Win XP

Haven't tried the beta drivers. It seems happy now so think I'll leave it.

I really like the motion blur :)
Ran very nicely on my rig (see sig), ran it at 1280 x 1024 with everything set to medium and was smooth and stable. Like the game but as said before the weapons are underpowered and the AI is not as good as far cry, it’s more enemies rather than smart enemies.

Verdict: can’t wait for the full game :)

Right just finished the demo. I quite enjoyed it, although it was quite slow on my system. Had everything on medium and had a lot of mouse slow down. Playing at 1440 x 900 aswell.

6300 @ 2.9Ghz
8800GTS 320mb
4GB OCZ ram

Quite disapointed with how slow it ran at medium tbh. Hoping its a demo thing, but probably not :(

are you using vista ? i dont have lag with a similar setup and everything set on high in xp

8800gts 640
2gb geil
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