The Crysis DEV's in a interview not so long ago said it will run at mid RES's with High settings on a 8600GTS and to run higher you need a better card (guessing 8800's).
So you happy being told BS ?, cause I cant run it well at Highest with my res as low as 1280x960, now this is nearly 2008, I game at 1920x1440 ideally, and all other games in Lost Planet (buggy port) and HL2 etc run really well maxed.
Crysis may look better but even half the FPS would be good not 1/4 or 1/8 of what I get in other games.
I hope this is a buggy Demo and the final will be far better and all debug code removed and better Nvidia driver for the launch, not half baked one.
BTW, I know the 8000's tech is 1year old but there aint anything better today so what can we run the game on ?.
They can also scale the game into the future tech's with patches no problems, but they should optimise it for todays tech IMO.
Quoted " Clearly helmut is talking complete crap, it's already very apparant he has some attitude issues and needs to sort them out."
Tom|Nbk is full of it and does not like anyone having an opinion as I have in this thread, everything I said was IMO, I just dont like ignorent peeps saying "LOL" etc as I aint "LOL'ing" at them liking Crysis.
He is well disliked here and changes his story daily as threads show and also causes arguements but unlike rest of us gets out of it with his smart talk crap (always innocent) for a fact now he is on ignore forever.