Official Crysis Demo thread

No Im not joking,but I might have to turn aa down to get decent fps :(.I hope this will fix the mouselag too.Should I install the latest drivers aswell?I never installed beta drivers before.

Sorry to tell ya you'll never be playing Crysis with any amount of AA you're happy with :(.

Runing on a q6600 with a 8800gts resized from 1680x1050

What yer performance?
Beta drivers are a must these days for some new games, but the ones for Crysis give issue like crashing and white trees for some users.

Mouse Smoothing actually has a NEG effect in this game, I took someone heres advise and turned it back off but did leave speed up full.

Runing on a q6600 with a 8800gts resized from 1680x1050

Whether its the resizing or the settings but that looks terrible!

The texture on top of the barrel at the front of the shot looks like something from HL1.
No Im not joking,but I might have to turn aa down to get decent fps :(.I hope this will fix the mouselag too.Should I install the latest drivers aswell?I never installed beta drivers before.

From what I have heard, if they don't break the game they are a great improvement.

Its not a matter of you may have to turn it down! You have to, right now! No one is running Very High flawlessly, 16xAA is the straw that breaks the camel's back :p

Also try turning off mouse smoothing, might be what you're looking for.
i'm getting XXXfps with everything on high and no AA @1680x1050. the game runs silky smooth and looks better than real life (;)). if i can't determine the individual frames then i don't give a damn about the ****ing FPS!

How the hell are people finding CoD4 better than this? CoD4 is IDENTICAL to CoD2 but set in modern day. its unbelievebly boring to the point of exhaustion!
If anyone wants to be a troll do it over at GAMEFAQ's with rest of kiddies and that inc's 20 foot high letters taking up my monitors full screen. :p

I accept anyones opinions and from reading all over web inc Crysis forums this is what is being said:

1) FarCry facelift.
2) Buggy Demo and possibility Full Game will be better.
3) Not that great looking that you say WOW.

I could quote more but you can all read same as me and canh agree or disagree with some all of others input.
dont know if it works for u but if u have the vista 64 fix
and the crysis nvidia drivers get this direct x10 file.
here is link.

i can now run on my 30 inch dell all on very high settings.
only have 1 gtx ultra super clocked card quad [email protected] ghz 4 gig memory.
please let me know if the new direct x november edition works for u. ;)

Great post, the nov directx update gave me a noticable fps boost.

Also worth installing this update if you havent and are using Vista, its not on update for some unknown reason.
COD4 have found to be much better gameplay and graphics than Crysis... Crysis seems to be all hype, not delivering anything diffrent. Oh well back to COD4..;):cool:
Anyone getting this graphical glitch? I've fiddled with the settings but can't seem to get rid of it. Doesn't do it in DX9 mode, typically.

FW 169.01

COD4 have found to be much better gameplay and graphics than Crysis... Crysis seems to be all hype, not delivering anything diffrent. Oh well back to COD4..;):cool:

I don't normally pick fights, but I have had it up to here (I'm holding my hand up really high right now!) with you imbeciles who cant see that COD4 is the same game you have played 3 times before, and don't even get me started on the COD vs Crysis graphical argument.

Ignorance it seems must be bliss.
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